Chapter Three.

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I was covered in sweat and panting by the time Kage announced that class was over and we did great today. His gaze lingered on me as he said we're quick learners and it made me stand up a bit taller and try to suppress a smile. Damn right I was a quick learner when I wanted to be. And after the 'incident' on Wednesday I took an oath to take my self-defense classes seriously from now on, and that's exactly what I did. As the two hours of today's lesson passed, I went from being the lousiest student in this class to being one of the best. Yes, I was pretty proud of myself.

"Hey, Diana, Wait up" Kage called after me when I was only a foot away from the door, I stopped in my tracks and turned towards him, He approached me with an unsure smile "Impressive improvement today, Didn't think you had it in you, honestly. But you've done great"

I beamed at him, Not being able to contain my happiness, It felt like I was accomplishing something and the feeling was very satisfying "Thank you, I didn't think I had it in me either"

Seeing my reaction he smirked "This sudden improvement has nothing to do with a certain 'handsome' guy you ran into on Tuesday now does it?"

My face was already hot from all the work I've done so I was glad that he couldn't notice my blushing this time. All the embarrassing things I said that night were a drunken mistake, But that doesn't mean he will ever let it go. "Trust me it has nothing to do with it, You're such a guy"

I expected him to argue but he simply nodded. "What made you change your mind and take this class seriously all of a sudden then?"

Unpleasant memories were not be recalled. They were to be buried at the deepest, darkest corner of the mind. That was my belief. Not wanting to get into detail over what happened I just shrugged. Hoping he would let it drop. Kage, of course, was having non of it, He kept looking at me intently. Waiting for an explanation. I sighed and gave in, Wishing I was home already. "Let's just say, Something happened that made me realize the importance of learning how to defend my self"

As if on cue, My hand moved subconsciously to the part of my arm which was freshly bruised, My thumb rubbing soothing circles over the fabric of my long sleeved sweater. It was a habit I adopted over the years, Moving my fingers in a circular motion was oddly calming. I wasn't even aware of what I was doing until Kage's eye caught the movement and his entire demeanor changed. It was like flipping a switch. He went from being laid back and a tad bit flirty to being alert in a blink. His eyes hardened and his mouth was in a tight line, But when he spoke his voice was controlled.

"Did someone hurt you?"

Still taken back by the sudden change I shook my head and said "It's not that big of a deal, really.You see, Last night I had to run some errands, And by the time I had to go back home it was already late and I was alone." I didn't want to go any further, didn't want to sound like the weak, foolish girl I was, But Kage didn't exactly leave me a choice. From the way his jaw was set I could tell that he was clenching his teeth as he listened earnestly to every syllable I spoke. I took a deep breath and forced myself to go on.

"So to spare you the long, unamusing story. I was walking around a dark corner when some creep pinned me to the wall and demanded I give him all my money, Nothing unexpected at such circumstances. So, I handed him my purse and he had the brains to rummage through it for a while before deciding that it'll do, I had a good sum of money inside it so I suppose he was satisfied. Before I knew it he took it and ran like there's no tomorrow." I sighed for effect. "Shame though, I loved that purse"

My tone did not encourage pity, I spoke indifferently like this was an everyday thing. Like I wasn't scared out of my mind when the guy put his hands on me and pushed me to the wall, Like I wasn't praying that things don't go too far and I manage to get home safe and unharmed, Like I was not on the verge of tears when his breath, slightly reeking of alcohol fanned my face, And like I had not spent the rest of the night with my head in Jessie's lap crying, because I felt so helpless and vulnerable.

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