Chapter Five.

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Comfort Clothes.

They are special clothing items preserved for days when you could not possibly care less about your appearance and all you want to do is wear something fluffy and soft, like on bad days, lazy days, shark week and after break ups.

For me, Sundays go under the 'Lazy Days' category. I make sure to spend the day doing nothing productive with my life. It was like having my weekly dose of relaxation so I can get back to being a busy bee the following week without collapsing, which explains why it was almost noon and I was braless, barefoot and in a cotton dress t-shirt that reached mid-thigh. I was as comfortable as I could get. My morning was spent browsing Tumblr and I would have been content spending the rest of the day that way.

Apparently, Jess had different plans.

"We need to go shopping." She said out of nowhere.

There was a picture of Tim Borrmann on my dashboard and my eyes lingered on him a little before I turned my attention to Jess. "Why?"

"Because we have a date." She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I sat up straight at that, abandoning my comfertable sprawling posture "Excuse me? I'm not going!"

"Diana, we talked about this." She whined "I thought you agreed."

I crossed my arms "Well, you should have told me it was on a Sunday, I would have said no."

Truth be told that was not the only reason I did not want to go on the stupid double date...

Jess, of course, was not on to give up, her hand went to her waist and she turned the sassy mode on "No, you are so going. We told the guy you'll be there, don't break his heart."

"Break his heart." I scoffed "He doesn't even know me."

"I don't care, you're going."

I fell back on the bed in frustration, my back hitting the mattress with a thump, I knew I was not going to hear the end of it, but how could I go on a date with some guy when I keep thinking of someone else? How can I go out with someone and pretend that I am interested in his company when all I want is to get closer Kage? It does not seem fair to the guy.

Jess dropped the bossy act, and though I could not see her face right now I knew she would be giving me the puppy dog eyes. " Please for me, just this one time. I won't ask you to double date or go on a blind date ever again, I promise."

I stared at the ceiling. How can I refuse when I know that this means a lot to her? "Why is it so important for you anyway?"

She sighed. "Well you're my only friend, best friend, and I have always wanted to experience a double date"

I propped myself on my elbows to look at her and my guess was proved correct when I saw her giving me the puppy face. She knew I could never say no to her when she looked like that. In fact, I'm pretty sure no one can say no to her when she is doing that face. I wonder if she uses it on Adam so he grants all her wishes.

I groaned and sat up on the bed "Ugh, fine! Only this time, you promised."

Her grin was from ear to ear, she made a strange squeaking sound and jumped a little before she tackled me in a hug and I found myself laughing at her silliness and hugging her back, if going on the damn date could make her this happy then it's all worth it.

"Thank you! You're the best, Diana." She laughed a gave me one last squeeze.

"You're crazy" I laughed "Leave now, I'm gonna get ready."

"Yes, sir."

She left, closing the door behind her, and I was alone with my thoughts. A date should be fun right? Besides, I do not own anything to the guy or to Kage, It is just a one-time thing after all...

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