Chapter Four.

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Having a roof on your head is a privilege a lot of people around the world are deprived of. And for my beautiful apartment in Seattle I was very grateful. It wasn't spacious, But it wasn't a tin can either, It had a nice view and an excellent decor, I had my own room and en suite bathroom, The residents in the apartment building kept to themselves most of time but our relationship with most of them was pleasant, It was a walking distance from my job, the sports center, and the grocery store which was handy, And most importantly, It was my home. I loved this place to pieces.

The only thing I didn't love about it was the paper thin walls.

Jess and I share a bedroom wall and for the last fifteen minutes I've had to listen to her whimpering Adam's name, Talk about absolute torture.

Have I mentioned that it's not even noon yet?

"Adam I think I'm gonna-" Her words were cut by yet another loud moan and at that I lost it. I jumped off my bed and ran out of the room, Grabbing my sneakers and a random book in the process. There was no way I was spending another minute here. I was already dressed to go to the self-defense class after an hour but change in plans! Somebody's gonna arrive extra early today. I didn't mind that I'll have to sit alone on that old bench outside the sports center until they open it I just needed to get away from the horrifying sounds.

Adam arrived from his trip yesterday, And he stayed overnight. I didn't mind, Jess was radiating happiness, And I loved to see her like that. He was really good to her I'll give him that, And it was cute seeing them all lovey dovey and stuff, I didn't even mind that they couldn't take their eyes -or hands- off each others, I could handle that by a few sassy comments here and there or retreating into my room. It was when they took it to the bedroom is when all I wanted to do was rip my ears out.

So I reached the sports center Forty-five minutes early and it wasn't open yet, It was a Saturday and the streets were nearly empty, Everything was so quiet and I thought that this was heaven compared to the apartment right now.

It was a beautiful day. One of those days when the sun is radiating just the right warmth and the wind is gently blowing your hair and the breeze is tickling your face. It was one of those days that gave an aura of peacefulness, And it makes you stop and think that nothing bad could possibly happen in such a lovely weather.

A day like this was ideal for reading. I had randomly grabbed a book on my way out because I needed something to keep me busy while I waited for class to start and it happened to be 'Jane Eyre'. Pleased with my random choice, I rested my back to the wall and started reading, Making a mental note to cherish this moment. It was such a little thing, and it probably seemed so insignificant for passer bys, But for some reason the whole situation gave me a sense of freedom and inner peace. And I wanted to lock this feeling in my head and remember it whenever I'm feeling down or suffocated.

I was lost in my book, but it wasn't long until Kage's voice startled me back to reality.

"You know, It was obvious last time that you were gonna take this class seriously, But trust me arriving a full half hour early isn't helping with anything" He said by a way of greeting, a smug smile playing on his lips. It would have annoyed me if it didn't look so good on him "Who would've thought that Mrs. Daydreamer herself would be so eager to learn self-defense?"

I was so tempted to roll my eyes, but I chose to maintain eye contact with him "Are you done mocking me yet?"

"For the moment, yes" He nodded and unlocked the door. I left my seat and strolled behind him, already feeling this new tingly excitement in my stomach, loving the fact that I'm spending the next half hour alone with him. And I was secretly thankful that Adam and Jess forced me to leave early this morning.

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