Chapter Six.

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"Well," Jess grinned, her eyes were twinkling in delight "This is far better than my expectations."

The awkward exchanges were gladly over and we were seated at our table. Jess and I were side by side and our dates were sitting across from us. Out of the four of us, Jess looked the happiest.

Even though she was mouthing my thoughts, I made a face at her "What are you talking about? You were the one saying how much you loved the mystery of a blind date, how can this be better than your expectations when I already know Kage?"

"Oh, that was a load of bullshit." Jess moved her hand in a dismissive movement and leaned in to whisper in my ear "You'll be having a lot more fun like this." when she pulled away she wiggled her eyebrows and giggled. I wanted to punch her right then, but I don't think hitting your best friend is something that happens on a double date, and she's right, I'd be having a lot more fun like this.

Kage's eyes were moving between Jess and I, unquestionably wondering what was this all about, and why did I look like I was about to commit murder. He looked so good tonight, it was the first time I saw his hair brushed properly and he had recently shaved, the skin around his mouth looked so clean and smooth, his plaid green shirt fit -like all of his other clothes- like it was made especially for him. It was flattering to know he cared enough about this date to put effort into his look, not that he needed to, but I felt a tiny stab of pain when I remembered that he didn't know the girl he was trying to impress would be me.

There was a full minute of uneasy stillness before I asked Kage the obligatory question, "So, how do you know Adam?"

"Common friend," Kage explained "But we're also neighbors now."

"Yeah, James." Adam chirped in "I went clubbing with him one night, a couple of years ago, and he brought Kage along."

I nodded, not knowing how to comment on the information. Thankfully, the waiter chose this moment to arrive and give us our menus, so I was saved from trying to come up with something.

"Everything looks so good." Jess said as she scanned the menu. When I took a look at it, I freaked out a little when I saw that the names of the dishes were written in Italian which I don't speak, but then I calmed down when I realized the contents of the meal were written in English and there was even a picture in front of every dish to illustrate, my mouth watered from just looking at them.

Since I had a feeling I'd be content with whatever this restaurant served I asked the young waiter what are the specials.

He answered with something that sounded good enough for me so that was my choice, the others all chose different items from the menu and asked for a bottle of red wine.

When we were alone again, Adam engaged Jess in a conversation spoken with soft hushed voices, knowing this meant some time for me and Kage with no interruption, I looked at him and smiled. I still found it hard to believe that I was on an actual date with him, that I had hours to spend with him outside the training room, that for some time I will be more than a girl in his class who he enjoys regularly having a conversation with, maybe even more than a girl who reminds him of his best friend.

His lips quirked as leaned in and propped his elbows on the table "I might just start thinking you're stalking me if we keep meeting everywhere like that."

Here we go, why did I have to have feelings for a cocky bastard?

I rolled my eyes. "You wish, if you want to blame anything but coincidence, you have Jess for that. She was the one who forced me on this date."

He looked so young without the five o'clock shadow, and thick lashes coated his eyes that looked golden brown in the lantern light.

Gorgeous, cocky bastard.

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