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Shiemi just stood there horrified by what Rin told her.

Shiemi: Y-You don't remember me?

Rin shook his head.

Shiemi: I-I gotta go!!

Shiemi ran leaving the confused boy all alone.

Rin: What's with her?


Shiemi ran and ran as fast as she could. She dropped the fertilizer at home. Then ran straight to True Cross.
She had to tell everybody what her discovery was today!

She manages to get back to the classroom where everyone was still inside.

Shiemi: Guys!!!!

Everyone looks at her in confusion.

Konekomaru: Miss Moriyama, didn't you leave early?

Izumo: Yeah, what are you still doing back here for?

Shiemi: I-I saw Rin!!!

Everyone in the room was in total shock. Then they ran up to her and filled her with questions!

Bon: If he's back, where is he?!

Shima: Is he back at True Cross?!

Konekomaru: Tell Us Miss Moriyama!!!

Shiemi: Okay Okay! I'll tell you! You see...I was walking to the store to get some fertilizer for my Mom to help with the garden. Along the way I saw Rin...Well...I think I saw him...

Izumo: What do you mean by 'ya think'?

Shiemi: Well...He doesn't remember me...Also...He looks human now...

Everyone stood in silence....

Bon: We gotta tell teach...

Shima: But how do we explain this to him? Basically he's hidden himself away from us in his room. He even blames himself after what happens...

Izumo: Well he deserves it...After all he was a smartass to Okumura.

Shima: Hey well he had a reason.

Bon: Yeah...But think Shima he yell at Okumura and blame him for everything of what happen last year without even thinking how Okumura felt. Do you even call that a reason. More like an excuse...

Shiemi: I know what Yuki said to Rin was wrong. But after all they are brothers.

Izumo: But think about it. Okumura left due to all the pressure Okumura-Sensei put on him. Sensei blamed him for their father's death without giving him a second thought or a chance to explain.

Konekomaru: Also leading up to this for Rin to become human is now a mystery. Miss Moriyama are you sure Rin is human?

Shiemi: Yes I swear. Becaus he didn't had the pointy ears or tail. His ears were those of a human. He also wore a different school uniform.

Izumo: Which now lead us to where he doesn't remember....But that got me puzzled.

Shiemi: What is it Miss Kamiki.

Izumo: Think about he forgotten about you...It's also possible he forgotten about all of us.

Exwires: O.O?!!!

Izumo: Even Okumura Sensei....

Shiemi: N-No...Rin...

Bon: Come On...Let's go tell teach about what's going on....

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