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Shannon's POV

When I awoke I was back in Aviana's house lying in her bed. I felt numb. She was gone, and being here only made things harder for me. I could feel myself falling apart. I needed her here.

Tears formed in my eyes as I stared up at the ceiling. Everything was quiet, and no one seemed to be around. That's when Daemon appeared hovering above me.

"I'm happy to know that you are awake. You're injuries are healing nicely; however, you should relax for the time being."

I just stared at it. Where was he when his master needed him? He could have prevented Aviana's death had he just been there to do something. I suddenly felt enraged.

"I understand that you would like for me to leave. Very well, but there is something Aviana asked for me to give you." The creature walked over to the dresser and returned holding a piece of paper. He held on to it as if it was something that he treasured. He looked down at it then handed the paper to me reluctantly.

I didn't understand him. He seemed so human, and I'm sure he would be crying of he could. I took the paper and read it.

I'm sorry it ended this way. I love you, and there is one last thing I need to do, and you must do this for me. Everything will be explained gradually if you choose to accept this task I'm giving you now. Please trust me and trust Daemon. He knows how much you mean to me, and he will always be there to protect you and guide you.

The first thing I need you to do is open the closet and unlock the chest inside. Don't be afraid of what lies within it. It will help you.

I love you.

I held the note close to my chest. That's when Jared rushed in. He pulled me into a hug.

"Are you okay?" He asked pulling away to examine me.

"I'm fine," I lied. I felt like dying. I felt so hollow and torn that death seemed like the best option.

Jared looked at me skeptically and then looked down at the paper in my hands. "What's that?"

"A note from Aviana." I looked at it again. The word love stood out on the page like red among black. I could never love again.

"Shannon?" Jared touched my arm to get my attention. When I looked at him I could see his worry.

"How long have I been unconscious?" I asked him tucking the note away.

"A few days."

I nodded.

"Come on we have lunch fixed. You need to eat," Jared said looking away toward the door.

"I'm not hungry," I responded laying back down.

"Shannon, you haven't eaten in days!"

"And I'll be fine!"

"Shannon, please don't do this. I will get on my knees if I have to! Just eat something! Please!"

I hated this. All I wanted to do was to be alone and mourn the loss of the love of my life.


"I want to be alone Jared." I heard him sigh then he stood and left the room. When he was gone I laid there. I couldn't focus on anything else but the last scream that escaped Aviana's lips. How if started off an animalistic roar and quickly transformed into a blood curling scream.

I wanted to be with her. I stood and looked around. I needed something to ease my pain, and as if on cue, Kylie knocked then entered.

"Shannon, Jared is worried about you. Please for his wellbeing go eat. It's just pasta and a few sandwiches but it's better than nothing. Please go eat. If not for yourself than for him."

I stared at her. Food was the last thing on my mind, but I could tell she wasn't going to give up easily even if that meant tying me down and force feeding me. I rolled my eyes pushed myself to the side of the bed and stood only to quickly lose my strength.

Kylie caught me holding me up with all of her might and screamed for Jared.

I hadn't realized I was that weak. Kylie helped me back into the bed just as Jared and Daemon rushed in.

"What's wrong?" Jared shouted rushing over to me.

"He's just a lot weaker than we thought he was. He almost fell."

Jared approached me his eyes piercing and determined. "You need to eat, Shannon otherwise you won't get any better."

"Fine." I didn't feel like arguing nor did I even have the strength to.

Jared looked to Kylie, and she ran off. I assume to the kitchen to fix me something to eat.

"Are you okay?" Concern filled Jared's voice as his blue eyes searched mine.

"I've been better." There was no point in lying to him now.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"There's a chest in Aviana's closet. Can you get it and bring it here?"

Jared nodded standing up and went to the closet. Once he opened it there was a silver chest inside. He struggled picking it up. Even with Daemon's help.

"It's ok I'll come to you." I got up and carefully slid on to the floor and tried standing again. Jared was by my side at once and helping me keep my balance.

Once I was in front of the chest I kneeled down and tried opening it, but it was locked. I needed a key. Suddenly Daemon opened his hand and produced a key.

I felt nervous. What could be so scary inside this chest? I placed the key in the hole and  turned it. The lock slid home and the top opened just slightly. There was a strange noise coming from
within it.

I pushed the top back and nearly screamed in horror. The box itself was pitch black inside and thick smoke seeped from its edges, and in it all were large red eyes staring back at me.

I began to back away just as talons gripped the chest on either side. I wanted to run, but Aviana's note is what held me there.

"What the hell is that?" Jared remarked.

I watched as a creature began to rise from the mist. First its horns appeared then its eyes. A dragon. But it wasn't normal. It was quite small and made of smoke, lacking a physical body.

What could I possibly do with a thing like this?

I stared at it, and it stared back as it moved closer and grew in size. Now I was fearing for my life. I backed away until I was pinned against the bed left hopeless and frightened.

It's gaping maw opened releasing smoke from its mouth. I screamed, but not before its breath filled my lungs causing me to choke.

My vision blurred and I grew weaker as everything became black.

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