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Aviana watched over him so carefully. She always did. Part of me hurt to see it, but part of me also understood why.

"He's stable, so that's good." She continued to look at him in that way that she once did with me.

I stayed in the corner watching from a distance. It was hard because I knew that she loved him possibly even more than she loved me.

If I could I would go back, and not allow Aviana to put my soul in this thing. It would be better to die than to watch her love another man right in front of my face. Sure he looked like me, but he was nothing like me. He wanted to exploit her and use her as much as he could. He didn't love her. Not like I did.

He began to stir, and Aviana moved closer to him watching with fascination. Suddenly he bolted upright and ripping his stitches and colliding heads with Aviana. She immediately went to patch him up again. I watched hopelessly as the woman I loved fell for another.

After she had finished stitching his wound again, she went to leave, but he caught her and asked her to stay. Then kissed her.

I felt shattered.

"We're both special apparently, but I'm not like Shannon. I can't use others' powers like he can."

"Then what-" Suddenly eyes fell on me as Jensen cut off.

"You're awake." Jared was sitting beside me in the cage, and he placed a hand gently on my shoulder, but to be honest I didn't feel like being touched, so I shoved it away.

"Shannon are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I stood and seeing how the cage was open I walked out, and didn't even bother to look back. I looked around me and realized that we were underground. It was like some kind of bunker. That would have been otherwise camouflaged had it not been for the entrance.

 That would have been otherwise camouflaged had it not been for the entrance

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"Shannon!" Jared caught up with me and forced me to look at him. "What is wrong with you?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I pushed him away and continued moving toward the woods. I quickly turned back to Jared, Kylie and Jensen and threatened them not to follow me. Jensen was about to ignore my request, but Jared caught his arm and pulled him back. He said something to him and Jensen stood back.

I made it deeper into the forest in no time, and I decided to climb up to higher ground. I scaled a tree to its highest branch and looked over the area. Everything seemed quiet, or at least that's what I thought, until I caught a scent on the wind.

Lurians were close on our tail. I dropped from the tree and headed toward the scent running as fast as I possibly could. I quickly caught up to them, and hid behind a tree watching them closely. They weren't heading in the direction of the camp but at the same time, I don't know if they could be ignored.

Let go. The thing inside my head whispered. Let go, and I'll deal with the problem.

How do I know you aren't just lying to me just so you can take control and be free?

I don't want to take total control. I just want to show you away out of the pain. I'll surrender back to you as soon as I'm done.

I took a deep breath. I didn't think it was lying to me. I couldn't sense that it was, so I did as it said and let go.

It was a strange feeling. It was like I was fading into my own subconsciousness, and when it was finished it was like watching a first player video game. I could see what was happening, but I couldn't control a thing.

I watched as I picked them up, flung them, stabbed them with my talons, ripped them apart in every sense. The strange thing was, I did enjoy it.

The first time this creature got lose, I couldn't recall anything that happened. It was like I wasn't even awake, but now that I was, I could feel a connection to it. It felt like it was apart of me unlike other times when I fought it, and tried to keep it at bay it was like there were two separate people inside of me, but right now we were one.

When everything was over and I finally came to, I was covered in blood. I decided to check the bodies–well what was left of them and I found something that looked like a tracker. I bashed it on the ground hopefully cutting the signal. I checked the others and did the same. On of them had something very interesting. I didn't know what it was, but it looked like it was a key of some sort. It looked like someone had taken a rubrics cube, broke it apart, and then glued it together in a strange shape. I tucked it away in my pocket, and continued on back toward the creek.

I suddenly felt as if I was being watch. As a matter of fact it felt that way for a little while now, and I knew exactly who it was.

"You can stop hiding. I know you're there Daemon."

Right in cue Daemon appeared turning off his camouflage. "What do you want?" I demanded.

"What you did back there. That was not acceptable. You're supposed to be containing him, not unleashing him whenever you please."

"He has a name you know. He hates that you, his previous host, can't even acknowledge that he has a name. That he is just as real as you are. If I really wanted to be an ass I would unleash him on you. Alastor is dying to say hello."

If robots could tense I'm sure he was at this point. He stared at me without saying a word.

"If we are done here I need to go clean up." I walked passed Daemon and continued on my way. I made it to the creek and washed off as much as I could. My shirt was stained and it was pointless to keep it, so I torched it, and went back to the encampment.

When I arrived it was more exciting than when I left. There were quite a few people standing around that I hadn't met, and around them was my brother and Kylie. All of them seemed to be looking down at something. I joined the circle to see that they were indeed looking at something. A girl was tied down, and she was struggling against the ropes. She was a Lurian girl that much was clear, but why she was here I have no idea.

"What happened?" I asked Jared.

"She started going insane. She threatened us."

"She's a Lurian, of course she is going to try to kill us."

"Not her. She would never do something like this," Jensen said looking down at her with worry.

It was written clearly on his face that he and this Lurian were a thing. I rolled my eyes and gave him the key that I found. "You're welcome." He looked me over seeing the blood on my clothes and then looking at the key.

I didn't want to be near anyone still, so I went back to the bunker and shut out the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2017 ⏰

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