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"You're Majesty, at this rate she is going to die. We need to rest her. She is showing an incredible amount of strength to resist."

"Which is why we need to continue. She needs to know that if she keeps resisting, we will stop at nothing!"

"But if you kill her then they will not have a reason to come back. They will just continue to run and hide, and we have this whole planet to try to find them. It would save us a lot of trouble in they came to us. Not only that, but we can also cause a lot of other vermin to show themselves."

The Queen turned to the limp body lying on the table. "I should kill you. Your kind do not belong here anymore! I'm surprised that you even managed to go undetected. How did you do it, huh Aviana? How did you mask your hideous scent from me?" The Queen grabbed her by the hair forcing her head up to her level. "I really hate you." The Queen's talons grew from her hands and she forced more venom into her veins. They became a disgusting green color against her gray tinted skin.

The subject let out a scream as the venom coursed through her body causing an extreme amount of pain. I watched as she began to thrash wildly and froth at the mouth.

"We will find them, You're Majesty. They will come running."

"They better," The Queen threatened before she stormed out of the room.

I wanted them found just as much as she did. After all it was the stupid human who humiliated me, took my position, and all but crushed my ego. He made a mistake not killing me because now I am out for vengeance. The Queen needs him alive, but that didn't mean that he had to be unharmed. I am going to make sure that the pain is slow and hurt so bad he was going to wish for death, and when he was captured, we would no longer need this piece of filth that "loved" him. I was going to make sure her death was just as slow painful and force him to watch.

"Capitan Tadaaki, the Queen requests your presents in her chambers," a servant said entering the room.

I nodded looking at the prisoner once more. She had stopped thrashing and was now struggling to catch her breath.

"It will all be over soon." I said before leaving the room and locking the door behind me with a key that only I and the Queen had.

I followed the servant to her quarters, and knocked on the door upon my arrival.

"Come in," the Queen said on the other side of the door.

I pushed the door open and was surprised to see her in nothing but a towel lazily draped around her body.

"You have been so faithful, Tadaaki. I have a gift for you." She walked to me slowly and touched my cheek. She let the towel fall from her body exposing everything.

A surge of lust washed over me and I pulled her closer. She smiled at me sweetly her eyes growing dark. She kissed me roughly pulling my body into hers. I had always wanted her like this, but she would never touch me as long as those rodents were around, but now she was all mine, and I intended to keep it that way.

I let my hands roam her naked body, enjoying the pleasure that I received from imagining what was going to happen next.

She pulled away for a moment looking into my eyes. There was something very dark looming in hers, and I didn't know if I wanted to find out what it was. "Do you trust me?" She asked sweetly.

"With my life."

"Good." She kissed me again this time more passionate. Maybe I liked where this was going after all. Suddenly a sharp pain pierced my thorax.

I looked down and saw her stinger inside of my chest. It sank deeper and deeper until it just barely touched my heart. I began to choke on my own blood. My body quickly became heated as her venom not only was in my veins, but was now going through my heart. I felt blood flowing from my mouth.

The Queen licked it up and kissed me. "Trust me my pet. Trust me." Those were the last words I heard before everything went black.

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