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Jared's POV

He was right he wasn't my brother. He looked like my brother, but it wasn't him. This was something completely different from my brother. The look in this creature's eyes was threatening and dangerous.

"What did you do with my brother?" I demanded.

The creature stared at me with its eyes searching every inch of me as if trying to figure out what I was. It seemed amused as it watched me closely observing every move I made. It was unnerving; it was as if it was seeing through me.

"I asked you a question! What did you do with my brother?" I didn't get a response out it. It was beginning to press my patience. I grabbed it by the collar and shook him. "Where is Shannon?"

"He's currently out of commission," he hissed.

"Bring him back!" I got close to his face, and again it just stared at me.

"What are you?" It asked quizzically.

"I'm a human."

"No you're not. I have met humans before and you are not one. She is human." It nodded towards Kylie and looked her over. It looked at her the same way that it did me, but there was something darker in its eyes. Something that I didn't like.

"Bring my brother back, you freak!"

"I don't think you understand the situation you are currently in. Let me explain." Suddenly there was a strange noise in the room that sounded almost as if a tea kettle was boiling. The next thing I knew I was gripped by the throat being choked by the thing possessing Shannon.

"I have all control. You're brother is no longer. You answer and serve me now. Do you understand?" He gripped my neck tighter forcing my airwaves completely shut.

"Let him go!" Kylie picked up a chair and swung it at him. This time he didn't even flinch. He flung me at the wall and I went crashing into the nightstand.

His attention was turned to Kylie. "Run!" I screamed at her. I tried to force myself up, but there was pain in my side that was unbearable.

Kylie started to run for it, and almost made it to the door when that thing caught her. "You're strong spirited. I like that, but what a shame." Smoke started to poor out if my brother's mouth, and as it opened wider there was a light coming from his throat as though it was about to blow out flames.

However, right on cue, Daemon showed up and locked him in a choke hold. He had what looked like a collar and struggled to put it on my brother's neck as the creature fought back. He managed to push Daemon away and unleashed his fiery breath on him. Daemon withstood it, and got closer and closer to him. He was using his hand to push the flames back. It made the creature try even harder. The flames grew thicker and hotter. The whole room was filled with heat, and things began to catch fire.

"Get out of here!" Daemon demanded.



I did as he directed and ran to grab Kylie. She stood in shock and horror watching the scene take place. I turned and looked as well. Shannon had begun to transform. His arms were now talons and scaly.

I wanted to stay and help. I didn't want my brother to die from this. I didn't want him to suffer death because of something that was possessing him. I didn't know what to do. I didn't feel as though I should leave. I couldn't just leave. This was my brother.

"Shannon! Shannon if you're in there listen to me! You have to stop this! I know you can! I know you're in there somewhere! He is going to kill us all if you don't fight back! Where is the—"

I suddenly thrown across the room again. The creature had grown a tail and flung me. Now he was distracted from Daemon. It was as if what I said was a strange trigger for it. It seemed to be more furious with me than with Daemon now.

I didn't know what I did, but I could tell that it was pissed off. It began to come toward me, but suddenly stopped. It began to struggle with something. It was as if there was something fighting him from the inside. It screamed in pain and gripped his head, but he was still determined to kill me, but every time it tried to take a step, it was met with some kind of inner struggle.

"Shannon, I know you can control this bastard! Do it! Make him know that you're the one in control!"

"Jared we have to go!" Kylie began to pull me to my feet, and pulled me toward the door. She was right. The room was engulfed in flames and was falling apart. I didn't want to leave my brother though. I wanted to make sure that he came out victorious, but at the same time. If we didn't leave now, we would burn to death.

I was conflicted.

"Jared please! We have to leave!"

I finally allowed Kylie to pull me along with her outside. It wasn't just the room that was on flames now. It was the whole house. I began it choke as the smoke filled my lungs, but I still couldn't bring myself to leave. Kylie was still desperately pulling me toward the exit.

"Jared! Please!" Kylie forced herself in front of my face. I could see the terror in her eyes. I fought back tears as I followed her out.

I couldn't believe this was happening. It seemed like everything we did was destroyed in a matter of moments. I didn't understand. We did all that we could, and now it was going to end this way. I wanted nothing more than to take my brother back. I wanted to save him, but I couldn't do it. I knew it was pointless there was nothing that I could do. I felt so hopeless. Why did things have to end this way? Why did we have to get invaded? I was on the brink of falling apart.

I watched in horror as the place went ablaze. I fell to my knees I felt that everything had been taken from me. Everything that I so desperately tried to keep together. Fell apart just like that. My brother was gone.

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