Ice Cream

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Rei: Hey, Ru-chan, Let's go out for Ice cream tonight

Ru: Sure!!!

Ru: Wait a minute, this isn't a sexual innuendo now is it?

Rei: .....No... i just want ice cream

Ru: Okay. What time?

Rei: 8:30. I'll pick you up.

Ru: Yayyyy! Then after we eat ice cream, maybe you can come over my house and we can make our own cream *wink wink*

Rei: And I thought it was me that was a pervert.

Ru: Noooo it's only you. I just get sexually kinky when I'm talking to you

Rei: Yeahhhh right. But we can go out for some ice cream. I'll see ya later kk?

Ru: kk. Love u!!!

Rei: Luv u too!!!

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