Laptop Video Chatting #1

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Reita Suzuki logged on


"I wonder if Ruki's doing anything...."

Green light appears on Ruki's name stating that he is online...

Reita clicked the name...

Calling Ruki...

Connecting with Ruki...

You are now video chatting with Ruki...

Rei|hey there!

Ru| Hi~! Where have you been? Haven't heard from you since Monday.

Rei| I know. Yesterday, I had took off from work because I had to go get my car inspected and get a new bass and buy new strings...blah blah...went food shopping.

Ru| Seems like a lot. I could've helped *makes puppy face*

Rei| I know, I'm sorry. I wanted to ask if you wanted to help, but I thought you were busy and stuff. You know how you are. *chuckles*

Ru| Ha! You're right. It's okay, baby. *smiles sweetly*

Rei| You're so sweet. So, what are you up to?

Ru| Nothing actually. Just in my favorite pjs.

Rei| Oh let me see, lemme see~

*ruki giggles and stood up. It was a black fishnet, short gown but has thick black silk on the top, covering the chest and the long arm sleeves that had a gold designed band around each arm sleeve.*

Rei| That's cute! And it's really short. I can see your cute thighs. And you do know that since it's fishnet, you can see your red underwear underneath it.

Ru| *lays back down on his stomach facing the computer* I'm home. Not outside.

Rei| i know. You are only to wear that gown around me only. *smirks*

Ru| Mmh, so dominant. *giggles*

Rei| I'm not too demanding.

Ru| i know, but I love it when you're demanding during sex. It's really sexy.

Rei| Hehe, I know~ *smiles*

They were silence for a few...

Ru| Why so silent, Rei-chan?

Rei| I should be asking you that question. Oh, and I'll be coming over tonight.

Ru| Time?

Rei| 8pm. Cook me din din.

Ru| Hah!! No. Last time you came over, I already made spaghetti.

Rei| C'mon Please?

Ru| Okay~. I'll make you-- You little mutt!! Koron!! *Koron walks across laptop keyboard*

Rei| What the fuck? *laughs*

*Ruki stood up to grab the dog and took him downstairs on the doggie bed and came back upstairs and laid back down*

Rei| I wish I were there right now. I want to eat you.

Ru| Pervert~ *blushes*

Rei| But you like it *voice gets deeper and more seductive*

Ru| You're turning me on....

Rei| I'm turned on too, so you're not the only one.

Ru| Hmn, What's going on down there?

Rei| where?

Ru| That know what I'm talking about.

Rei| Hahaha oh. Okay. It's pretty hard. Oddly, I'm just wearing my boxers.

Ru| Oh yeah?

Rei| Yeah.

Ru| Well....

Rei| Well....

Ru| Maybe you should come over.... now....

Rei| Haha! I will, after I feed my birdies. I'm gonna do that now.

Ru| Okay, see ya when you get here, sexy manly man. *winks*

Rei| Alright, beautiful. See ya in a few. *smiles*

Ruki ended call...

Ruki logged off...

Reita logged off...

||A/N: Trying this out. It seems fun to do to go along with the Texting With Reituki. Hahaha!!||

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