Apologize for Being Near Those Girls

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Ru: Reita, we need to talk about waht happened earlier in the mall.

Rei: Oh no...you're not gonna bring up that argument we had about girls flirting with me r u?

Ru: Yes i am and I have a problem with that.

Rei: Ruki, I wasn't even interested in her.

Ru: i don't care. You dont just let random girls come up to u and rub all over u bc ur all hot and stuff. U know i dont play that shit

Rei: Baby I'm sorry. Okay?

Ru: And u didn't even stop her!!!

Rei: Look, Ruki, I have to be easy on girls like that bc they could be very emotionally sensitive and....just.....revengeful.

Ru: Well, u could've called me over. I could've dealt with it myself, Reita. U know how I get when girls flirt with u and u don't say anything about it.

Rei: Ruki, stop stressing over it. It's not that deep.

Ru: Akira!!! It is that deep!! You looked more interested in her than me! T^T U had me crying my eyes out. Reita that really hurt me a lot.... i felt rejected....I swear, If I see another girl trying to suck ur dick I will grab my large kitchen knife and chop her head off. I'm completely serious.

Rei: Taka, there's no need for violence...

Ru: I'm hurt Akira!! Do u even care??

Rei: Awww!! Takanori! Of course I care!!! C'mon don't be that way. U know i love u more than anything in this world. I would hate to hurt u like that, baby. I'll tell u what, I'll make u a HUGE banquet dinner at my house tomorrow night. Just me and u, okay? Im sorry baby. There's no one in this world I'd rather be with other than u and u only, Takanori. And u know that. I didn't mean to hurt u like that. I don't like girls at all, so, I wouldn't DARE to try and fuck one! U know I'm a man of my word and we're engaged. I will not, EVER, let another girl or another male touch me in any kind of way that'll make u uncomfortable. Baby, I love you. Forgive me please. It will not happen again.

Rei: Promise

Ru: Rei, I love u too. I'm sorry I fussed like that. I just got.. jealous... and my and started to kick in. I'm sorry.

Rei: Jealous For what? None of those girls were as sexy, beautiful, adorable, or prettier than u r. They weren't even close to being that wonderful.

Ru: Hahah awwww ♡^♡ I love u, baby.

Rei: i love u too my sexy little cutie ☆♡.♡☆

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