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(AN: Yo, I'm back. I know this chapter is kinda overdue lol. Anyway, this chapter features Louise Pentland, aka SprinkleofGlitter. If you have somehow never heard of her, you should check out her YouTube channel. K cool.)
"Mama!" Darcy's lip quivered as she watched her mother walk out the door. "Shh, shh. It's okay, Darcy" Phil comforted her, "Mama will be back soon." Lately, Louise had been overwhelmed with her little 4-year-old monster and just needed a break. Dan and Phil swooped in and took Darcy while Louise had a day to herself. Back at the flat, Darcy was crying her head off and calling out for her mother. They tried everything to cheer her up, a stuffed animal, some snacks, but nothing could make her happy again. Once they had almost given up and were scouring for solutions, Phil came up with the perfect idea. "Hey Dan, why don't we put some of Louise's videos on one of our laptops?" "You're a genius!", replied Dan as he pulled out his laptop. He gently set it in front of the weeping girl and pulled up one of Louise's videos. One Darcy heard her mother's voice, her head perked up and she stopped crying. Soon enough, the two men noticed the young girl with her head tilted to the side, sleeping. "All the crying must have tired her out.", laughed Dan as he carefully carried her onto an empty bed.
After a two-hour nap Darcy woke up like any other 4-year-old would, full of energy. Louise would be coming back soon so Dan and Phil played with her for the remainder of the time. Once Darcy saw the doorknob click open, her eyes lit up. She ran towards the door into her mother's arms while Louise gave her the tightest hug. "Did Uncle Dan and Uncle Phil do a good job Darcy?" Louise asked her excited child. "Yeah!" Darcy practically shouted, thrilled to be in her mum's arms. "She was tiring but somehow we made it out alive." Dan joked. Louise replied as she started to walk out of their flat, "Well, we should get going now but you guys are welcome to watch Darcy any time. You guys would make great parents." "Yeah, we would." Phil mumbled to Dan, who was passed out beside him.

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