Missing Piece

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(AN. Hey, I know it's been forever but I'm going to try to update a lot more chapters, so yeah look out for that)

Once again, the two tall men shuffled into the big brick building, although worn out and old, filled with loving souls in need of a home. They looked around, awaiting the feeling in their chest that they knew too well, like when they locked eyes for the first time. Looking for a feeling of love and connection, when you know you've found the one. Looking for the piece that will connect their little family in all eternity. They saw kids of all ages, from infants to late teens, in need of love. They were rambunctious, running around in the thought that one of them will leave this place soon enough. But you could see the truth in their eyes. Despair, hurt when they could see what these mysterious men were actually looking for. The teens knew they wouldn't be leaving today, they never would; Stuck in a hell devoid of love. The men gravitated towards the toddlers, where most were running around, but they moved more towards the quiet girl in the corner, colouring a decrepit picture only she could understand.
"Ophelia." Someone shouts across the room. The small girl turns, body overwhelmed with fear. Dan and Phil crouch down to get on her level and whisper quietly to her, "Hi, Ophelia. That's a pretty name." The girl's fear fades away and flashes them a shy smile. When Phil makes eye contact, he feels it. A dull pain in his chest; a wanting, a needing. "She's the one." He whispers to Dan, "No doubt." They notified the receptionist that they would be picking her up in a couple days and walked out happy, knowing that they found their missing piece.

My Moon - PhanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz