Chapter 3

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Chris's POV 


I knocked on the door of my pack's house, without dropping Alicia.

Mark answered and let me in.

"Is the bed ready?" I whispered, I didn't want to wake up Aicia.

"Yes" Mark whispered back 


I walked up the stairs with Alicia still in my arms. She looked very peaceful. I opened my bedroom door and I placed Alicia on the spare bed. I carefully took of her shoes and tucked her under the covers. I took my own shoes off and my top. I pull back the covers of my own bed and lay down.


Alicia's POV

The sun shone down on my face, it was late morning. I sat up and looked around. I was on a bed that had obviously been squashed into the room. The room was quiet big, it was decorated in blue an beige. The bigger double bed was empty but the cover and sheets showed that it had been spelt in.

Then it all came to me. 

I was kidnapped by a guy called Chris who bit me on my neck. I had no idea how I got into his room, or what he'd done to me, but Chris was going to pay for it!

I got of the bed and checked my neck in the mirror. There was a faded bruise which surprised me as it shouldn't be as faded as it was,  even  though it was only yesterday that I was bitten.

I left the room and ran downstairs, there were other people around, both male and females but I didn't stop to talk. I found him in the kitchen.

"Are you a vampire?" I startled Chris. 

"No!" he burst out laughing "You are my mate! I'm a werewolf shifter. Vampires don't exist silly." 

"Your making it up! If vampires don't exist neither do werewolves and neither do shape shifters or... or. I'm going home before my parents contact the police beca-" I trailed of as I saw the Tv 

"Too late" Chris laughed. The TV showed my parents on the main headlines asking for my safe return, they were crying. 

"You are a mad mad man! Let me go home!" I scowled, now I was scared. My parents crying really made me miss them, I at least wanted to call them, tell 'em I'm still alive.  

"Nope. Its not possible, if you did you will end up killing someone. Its dangerous now you are one of us." He looked serious  

"One Am I a wolf shifter?" I laughed, he had to be joking! 

"Since I bit you, yup" Chris calmly ate his cereal. "If you were a wolf shifter already I wouldn't of had to change you. It's just one of those things. Shifters can't have proper mates that are none shifters unless they are or become shifters" he dismissed the situation 

"It is NOT! I am going home." I stormed over to the front entrance 

"At least let me prove it to you." He suggested 

"Okay, then I go home?" I asked, Chris nodded in response. "Good"


Chris's POV

I had no choice but to lie. Alicia wouldn't want to go home and if she did we would both kill ourselves, and she wouldn't be able to stop herself killing other humans either for a while. I hated that I dragged a mortal into my life as my mate but it couldn't be helped. Alicia really seemed to hate me but the way we felt last night when I bit her, showed she did love me. She had no choice- she had to love me, no ifs no buts, she was my mate.


My note: 

Watcha think? 

Please vote, fan me, tell your friends ect! 

Oh and do you like the cover? I drew the girl (Alicia) on GIMP 100% myself!

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