Chapter 4

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Chris's POV 


I chucked my rucksack on the floor. 

Okay, crouch on the floor like this," I put both of my hands on the grassy floor and I lent on my knees and feet "make sure your your not sitting on your feet. Now clear your mind and just focus on shifting. It will become easier the more you shift."

I focused on my wolf self and I transformed into a wolf.


Alicia's POV

I crouched exactly like he instructed me. I steadily breathed and I thought about changing into a wolf. I closed my eyes. My legs changed first, the my arms, my body and then my head and I grew a long furry tail. Chris had already changed, he had a dark brown coat.

Now time to change back. I tried to speak to Chris but all that came out was a sort of wine. Chris beside me flopped his tongue out of his mouth and grinned. It made me smile.

''We can talk through our thoughts now, try it, we can only do this in wolf form as we cannot communicate any other way" Chris gently bumped into me and pointed his paw at the bag "Okay get some clothes from the bag- go behind a tree or something and think about becoming a human"

"Ok, what about the clothes I was wearing earlier?" I thought back 

Chris nodded to a pile of fabric on the floor "They were ripped, sorry I should've told you. I borrowed some clothes of Mark's mate. They should fit you, we can get more later."

I opened the bag with my teeth, carefully trying not to rip it. I pulled out a basic white top and shorts. I held them in my teeth and I went behind a tree. I thought about changing back into a human, my head changed first, then my body and my legs and finally my tail disappeared. I rushed as I dressed, I didn't want Chris seeing me naked or worse still someone else if they were in the woods.


Chris's POV

Alicia changed well into a wolf, she was a quick learner and swiftly changed. She was dusty brown and a lot smaller than me. She tried to talk, but failed, only ending up wining. I told her how to change back through our minds, I pictured how to do it to her too as it's more difficult to change back. As Alicia needed more clothes, she only had what she was wearing before and now they were destroyed, I had taken some of Mark's mate. I took some of my own clothes from the bag and I quickly transformed back. I pulled on my top and shorts and picked up the bag which I then put on my back.

"Alicia?" I shouted 

"Here!" She ran up 

"Let's go back" I said 

"No, I'm going home now. back to my parents, they are worried sick, I think they think I'm dead." She said stubbornly. Did it matter wether her parents thought she was alive or not? If she went back to her family she may lose control and kill them anyway, bitten werewolf mates are uncontrollable around normal humans during their first month.

 "Alicia, you can't" I sighed


Alicia's POV

"Alicia, you can't" he sighed 

"I can, I can do what I want! I'll go myself!" I stormed of, I wanted to make my own choice, he couldn't boss me around just because he was my mate! 

"You will kill us both" he was getting angry I could tell, he paused in between each word. 

"Ha ha ha. I'm still going" She argued 

"You can't! I will kill myself, not out of option but because you are my mate. You will feel the pain of my death which will either kill you, turn you crazy or make you very unpleasantly unhappy.I will take you back myself soon" 

"But my parents..."  

"No buts Alicia, its just how it is. I don't like it either. Your saving them anyway, you'd kill them yourself n your sleep or something. Come on, lets go back."


My note:

Thank you so much! I've been listed at 279 in werewolf!  

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