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That night i decided to stay at Cats so my parents don't flip out that I'm back from beyond the grave. I laid down but i could not get to sleep. I wasn't even tired at all and i usually get tired around 11:00pm. Hours went by and i still wasn't the least bit tired. I looked at the clock and it was almost 4:00am. I sigh and stand up. Not sleeping must be a side effect if this being dead thing. I decide to go for a walk in town. I walk past a dark alley when i hear someone scream. I run into the alley and see two men stealing from a smaller man. One of the guys had a gun. "Leave him alone" i yell. They looked at me and one started coming towards me. "Awe princess wants to be a hero. Well i don't think a little thing like you can take is down. So beat it or you'll be the one we kill". "Fine, let him go and take me." I say. The men laugh and let the boy go. "What are you doing? There gonna kill you?" The boy says walking towards me. "Don't worry. I got this" i say. The boy runs away and the men try to grab my arms but i push them away. I start fighting them as much as possible. Cat and i took a Karate class since we were ten until....well, until i died. One of the men pulls out the gun and shoots. It hit me in the chest and i step back from the force the bullet made but then i look at them. They were stunned. The man dropped the gun and they both ran. Watch them run and then look at the wound. I reach in and pull out the bullet. I looked at it and it was dented. I put it in my pocket and walked back to Cats house. I woke her up and told her everything. "YOU DID WHAT?" She yells. "YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!". I roll my eyes as stand up. "So, I'm already dead and what else was i supposed to do? Let them kill him?" I ask. "You could have called the cops" "with what phone. All my stuff is packed away in my parents attic. You might not have noticed but they still think I'm burred in the ground" i yell walking out of the bedroom. She fallows, still trying to figure out a way to win this argument. She sighs and we sit at the table in the Kitchen. "Fine. But you cant tell your family that your back. Dell and i will find a cure for this. Until then....don't do anything, don't let anyone see you, don't even leave the house" she says. "But-" i start but Cat cuts me off. "No buts. Please just listen for once in your life...please" she asks. I sigh. "Fine i wont do anything for the rest of my undead life!"

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