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Comment if you get my references! I always put ~(-_-)~ after them!

A few days have by and ivm still staying at watches. I went back to Sam a few times to try and get my stuff. We would always get into a fight before i could get my stuff an i would just leave. I did get some clothes though so i was fine. Right now i'm on my way to Sams ad i wont leave until i have my stuff. I open the door and see sam sitting at his desk playing GTA with his headphones in. I try to be as quiet as possible so he wouldn't hear me but that failed due to me being the clumsiest....un-dead.....non-human....person alive- no....dead! Well you know what i mean. I was listing my bag over the railing of the top bunk and i dropped it. He quickly turned around and his face grew angry and annoyed yet somehow sad. I rolled my eyes and lifter my bag over my shoulder then headed to the door. Sam jumped up and grabbed my wrist. I try to pull away but he was too strong. I look at him and he motions for me to sit down. I sigh and sit on the bed. He sits next to me so i stand up and sit on the computer chair. Sam just stares at me for a few seconds until i got annoyed. "Take a picture it will last longer. Or did you break a camera trying to take a picture of your face" i say sarcastically. "Ha ha very funny. Look.... I know i don't have any control over who you date. Im sorry i ever said you i did. Will you forgive me?" He asks. I sigh and think about about it for a few seconds. I slightly smile and he smiled too. "Yes ill forgive you" i say and he stands up and we hug. He sits back down and all is cool until he says something that just sets me off. "But i really don't want you dating watch!" He says. I got mad and i mean MAD! I jump up an start yelling at him. "UGH YOU ARE SUCH A ASSHOLE. I CANT BELIVE YOU! I FORGAVE YOU THEN YOU TELL ME THIS WHY CANT YOU JUST EXEPT ME AND HIM TOGETHER" i scream and he starts to scream back. "YOU DONT EVEN LIKE HIM. TOU SAID IT YOURSELF, YOU CAN'T FEEL. ITS JUST YOUR IMAGINATION PLAYING TRICKS ON BECAUSE YOUR SO DESPERATE TO FEEL" he screams to me. We yell and yell and yell at each other until i get annoyed. "STOP ACTING LIKE THAT!" He yells "LIKE WHAT?" I ask. "LIKE NOTHING EVER HURTS YOU!"
~(-_-)~ . I look at him and he just stares at me. "Sorry habit" i say sarcastically he rolls his eyes. "IM DEAD! Im sorry if i cant feel pain. Don't blame me blame the bitch who brought me back to life. Her and her stupid magic potions! AND THIS STUPID NECKLACE!" I say ripping off the necklace and throwing it out the window. I immediately felt woozy. I grabbed my head and fell to the ground. Sam helped me up and set me on the bed. "K- Ky? Im going to find your necklace don't worry" he says and quickly stands up. I grab his arm with as much strength as possible. And he looks at me. "D-don't you dare" i say and he pull away. "No! Im not letting you die again i-i love you!" He says then runs out the door. I black out for a few seconds then wake up and i keep blacking out for a few minutes. I didn't wake up this time though. There was just darkness.....every where. Then suddenly i hear screaming all around me and then there was fire everywhere. Chains and hooks were holding me and it was the pain you could ever imagine times about a billion. I was screaming out as loud as i could from all the pain. I close my eyes and scream and scream when suddenly everything goes black again. It was pitch quiet. Then out of nowhere i was sitting on the bed gasping for air with sam by my side. I look down to see the necklace around my neck. I look at sam an he smiles at me. The last thing i remember was me throwing my necklace out the window. "W-what happened?" I ask sitting up. "We got into a fight and you threw your necklace out the window. You passed out and it took me forever to find but i got you back" he says and kisses my forehead. I was still confused but i just shook it off.

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