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After Cat left Sam continued to keep his distance from me. "O-ok so can have the top bunk. M-my roommate left for the summer." He says still a bit scared. I pick up my bag and sigh. "Thanks but i wont be sleeping in it. and you don't have to be scared if me. I wont eat your face off or anything." I say placing my bag on the top bunk. I turned back to him i could tell he was only the slightest bit calmer. He stands up and hesitantly walks towards me. I sit on a chair he studies me closely. "Your very pale. I mean you were pale when you were alive but not like this" he says looking at my face and hands. "Yea, its a side effect of this being dead thing. Its not the worst by far though." "Im sorry." "For what?" "For being this scared of you. You were so nice when you were alive and now I'm treating you like a freak" i smile and place a hand on his shoulder. "Its ok, I've been treated like a freak my whole life. The only difference between then and now is that now...there right" i say and take my hand off his shoulder. We talked for a few more minutes until Sam stood up. "Im gonna go get something to wanna come?" He asks. I shake my head no and he leaves. I sat there for almost a half and hour. Cat told me i shouldn't leave the room without Sam and i figured i should listen just this once. Sam came back into the room with some food in his hand. "Here i brought you something to eat" he says setting the food next to me. ", i cant eat that" i say pointing to it. "Why not? Are are you allergic or something?" He asks. "No, another tiny side effect is that i cant eat. I also cant sleep and i cant feel pain." I say and he stares with wide eyes. "Wait....thats kinda cool. The one that you cant feel pain not the others. But by pain, is it physical and emotional?" He asks. "You know, i never really thought about it. I guess its both" i say and smile. "What has happened since you found that out" "well, Cat tried to cut my arm off an i got shot in the chest." I say like it not a big deal. "Wow." He says. We talk for a few hours but then he gets tired and goes to sleep. I guess i just have to lay here....for 8 hours.

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