Chapter 8. Shopping Bellas to the Rescue

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Chapter 8. Shopping Bellas to the Rescue


We are on our way down to Baguio when my phone rang. I saw Ali's name. I answered it through my bluetooth.

"Hey! You're not calling me for like centuries! What's happening there? Are you taking good care of Siwon my love?" I said right away as I clicked the answer button. I looked at Kyuhyun through the mirror checking if he was awakened by my golden voice. He still sleeps peacefully and soundly.

"Miss JJ? This is Siwon speaking," the other line responded. Is this serious? Is he serious? He's calling me! And what did I just say? Siwon my love! That was soooo awkward!

"Oh, Mr. Choi! I'm sorry, just forget what I said earlier. What is it? What made you call me? And by the way, where's Ali?" I asked. I really hope he'll not talk about what I told him.

"She's the reason why I called. She's missing," he announced.

I chuckled. "Missing? I think she's out somewhere to free all the bad vibes she's feeling. She'll come back soon, Mr. Choi. Just relax."

"For ten hours? Without her phone and money? I don't think so," he replied. I can sense the worry in his voice.

She's gone for ten hours? Where the hell did Ali go? My goodness, tell me this is not happening. I slowed down the car and parked it to the side.

"Have you tried looking for her?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, I also asked the authorities here. We're all looking for her. I just want to inform you since she's your friend. I'll just call back when we find her."

"Don't. I'm coming." I should find my friend! She's more important now.

"But you don't have to. Is it okay for Kyu?"

"I'll just tell him when he wakes up. Where are you right now?"

"Araso. Near Pagsanjan falls."

"Okay. We'll be there in four hours. I hope she's back as we come." I sighed.

"I hope so. We'll do everything we can. Be safe," he replied and hang up.

I started the engine. I must be there earlier than expected. Ali, I hope you're okay.

"Chingu, what are you supposed to say to me? I overheard what you said," Kyuhyun mumbled. He's now awake. I felt kilig then smiled when he told me the word chingu. But hey! JJ, your friend's missing! Stop flirting!

"Ahm, chingu, is it okay if we go back to Manila? There's an emergency. Ali, Mr. Choi's tour guide. is missing. I wanted to look for her personally. It's in Laguna. I'm sorry if I have to compromise your tour with my friend," I told him as I looked him though the mirror.

"No problem, I'll help too," he said with a small smile in his face. I sighed in relief.

It's been four long hours yet still we're here in the road. We're stuck in a lot of traffics and it really makes me feel sick. Kyuhyun always told me to calm down. He also offered driving the car. I refused at first but he insisted. I just told him the directions. Well, we should just head straight.

Occasionally, I called Siwon to get an update. Negative. Still no sign of Alison.

I dialed the number of my other friends which are also Ali's. We had a group name called the Shopping Bellas. You find it too baduy, right? Me too! Dara, the musician and kikay in the group, is the master mind of our group name. Since she pushed it really well, we just accepted it.

As the name implies, we are all shopping buddies who found each other in the internet. We love online shopping, and we particularly obsessed a site named Arabella. Nana, in behalf of her twin sister Sasa, posted in a forum inquiring for a fan meetup among Alabang residents only. All in all, seven lovely girls met in a resto - Arevalo twins, Oli Arguelles who is the richest among us, Dara Chiu who has a Chinese descent, Carlita "Carly" Manansala who is a working student and the youngest among us and Ali and me. Though financially different (Carly, Ali and me are the poor ones FYI), our love for shopping bind us and made us close to best friends.

I first called Oli.

"Oli! Got a bad news!" I shrieked.

"Why? What is it? I have too, but I think that's more important, right? And hey, the girls are here too. Gotta push loudspeaker, hold on," she responded. I heard a bang sound on the other line, maybe she put her phone on the table. I also heard the girls' voices. 

"JJ, what is it? What's the problem?" I recognized Dara's high pitched voice.

"Girls, Ali's missing! She's gone for fourteen hours! Up until now, she's hasn't been found," I said in my hoarse voice. I couldn't help but to cry.

"Calm down, JJ. Tell us what happened," Oli uttered.

I told them what Siwon told me - that they had a big fight and Ali ran away. He didn't follow her since he knows Ali's temper would aggravate. Then when he began to feel worried since she hasn't come back for six long hours, he started finding her. He asked help from the authorities there and called me.

"We'll go, JJ. We'll find her. Let's meet there. Where are you now?" Nana or Sasa said on the other line.
"We'll be there in an hour. I'll hang up. Thanks girls," I answered. Oh God, protect and guide Ali, please.

We came to the area with three familiar cars and a police mobile. We asked the policemen inside the car the direction where our friends went. He told us to head straight through the woods and we'll find them. Kyuhyun and I thanked him and started walking.

The road there was really creepy since it's already nighttime. I can hear the weird noises maybe from wild animals that made my heart skip a beat. But I put my fear away and concentrated. Ali's my priority right now.

"Where are they?" I mumbled.

"Chingu, looked there, I think they're on that area!" Kyuhyun said and pointed at the slope where I can see some people holding their flashlights. I instantly recognozed the girls. I suddenly ran to them. Kyu told me to be careful since the road is rocky.

"Girls, have you found Ali?" I asked as I reached them.

They all shook their heads. "We've been here for thirty minutes, Ate Jay, but still no sign of Ate Ali," said Carly.

I took a deep breath. I saw Siwon still searching under the trees. I went to him.

"JJ-sshi, I still can't find her," he uttered. I can sense the worry all over his face. He's sweating a lot.

" It's really dark now. But Mr. Choi, I think you should rest first. We'll take over," I told him.

"No, I wanted to find her. The blame must be all on me. If I haven't shouted at her, this might not be happening," he said sadly. I don't know if it's just me or do I really see him teary-eyed? He must be really regretful.

"Hyung, gwaenchana? You don't look fine now. Take a rest," Kyuhyun said as he reached us. 

"I'll find her, Kyu. Let's just all look for her."

Kyu and I just nodded. We turned on our flashlights and started roaming.

Twenty minutes have passed. Negative. I feel so miserable. Please, good Lord. Lead our way to her!
Tears starting streaming down my cheeks. I felt Kyuhyun's arms around me. "We're gonna see her. Don't lose hope, Chingu."

He also wiped my tears away. I mouthed the words thank you, and he grabbed my back and hugged me. I hugged him too. He's the one who really gives me strength to hold on.

"JJ? And Kyuhyun?" I heard Ali's voice. Wait. Is that really Ali?

I looked where her voice came from. She was standing a few meters away from my back. Siwon was also beside her.

I hurriedly ran towards her and hugged her tightly.
"Ali! Ali! You're safe, thank God! We're looking the whole night for you! I'm happy nothing bad happenef to you!" I said in between my sobs.

"Really? I don't think so. I guess you had a great time flirting with Kyuhyun?" she said that made my knees weak.

She started walking away from me, leaving me dumbfounded.

Did my bestfriend just think bad about me? But why?!

"She's jealous," Siwon said in a jiffy, answering the question in my mind.

Oh, my goodness! I almost forgot that her bias is Kyuhyun! But come on, isn't it too much to feel jealous over us?

Wait. Being jealous means... Oh my. Is she already in love with Kyuhyun?

I felt an aching sensation with that thought. Oh no. Me too?

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2013 ⏰

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