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Soldier Field Stadium, Chicago
23rd August 2015

"Have you seen the media today? Liam directs towards me as I look up from my phone wondering what latest delights they have cooked up.

"No, what wild speculations are being bound around now?" I let out a resounding sigh.

"Evidently Harry, during our hiatus you are signing a solo deal, making a solo album, touring a solo album, becoming an actor and making a film, doing music production, management and writing songs for other artists. Doesn't sound very hiatusish to me!" He lets out a loud chuckle whilst scrolling through his phone screen, eyes unbelieving what he's reading.

"Yeah, yeah," I answer rolling my eyes. I sink slovenly back into the dressing room sofa and rest my feet up on the low table in front of me.

"Hey, I was joking around. What's up?" Liam's smile has been replaced by a concerned frown as he counters my actions and sits forward on the sofa opposite me, placing his elbows on his knees.

Shaking my head, I pout my lips in frustration. "The hiatus was only announced a few days ago and is seven months away and already they are on it, making up ridiculous theories. I continually ask myself if it will all ever calm down."

"Listen, I know what you mean but that's the nature of the beast." He shrugs his shoulders. "I'm not saying it's right but you've always had more pressure applied than the rest of us so the expectations are going to be high."

"Of course, expectations, expectations, expectations," I place my face in my hands then rake my fingers back through my long hair.

"Harry a hiatus is and I quote 'a pause or break in continuity in a sequence or activity'." He's Googled the meaning and turns his phone towards me to confirm it. "It's an opportunity to down tools, have a rest, do what you want, when you want, no restrictions, no ties."

"Is it, it is really? You said so yourself, expectations." I rub roughly into my eye sockets with my fingers.

"Come on, I haven't seen you this down for ages. You should be looking forward to a break, we all should. It is well deserved after five years of solid working." His tone suggests it is all so simple.

"I know you are right but honestly, at the moment I'm not." I pick at a frayed black thread on my knee ripped skinny jeans contemplating the thought of upcoming time off.

We are interrupted by a knock on the door as our stage manager pokes his head into the room. "Twenty minutes until Chicago show time lads if you could make your way towards stage." We both rise up from our respective seats and look towards him nodding our agreement. I grab the door and open it wide to exit but Liam's hand meets my shoulder halting my departure.

"Harry, perhaps on this hiatus you need to think outside the box a little." He narrows his eyes towards me.

"What you getting at?" I look at him questiongly.

He raises his eyebrows and says with a smile. "Do the unexpected."

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