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After my unfortunately embarrassing acrobatic fall display in front of Harry, I have spent the last two days at home being frustratingly mollycoddled.

Despite the fact that my dad is a doctor, on Wednesday evening he insisted on driving me to A&E to get checked over. The laborious wait to be seen at the hospital, when I was sitting right beside my dad, was frustrating but made infinitely better when Harry texted me.

Mick the Lion - How you are feeling? H

Lily G-F - Much better thanks but at A&E as I text, Dad's insistence!

Mick the Lion - Wise man, better to be safe than sorry and he is a doctor afterall! H

Lily G-F - Precisely, he's a doctor, home diagnosis, what am I doing here?!

Mick The Lion - Parents prerogative, he's just looking out for you. H

Lily G-F - Suppose. Thanks again for taking care of me.

Mick the Lion - Glad you are ok, see you soon. H

As suspected, no stitches were necessary however things got worse the following day when mum demanded that not only was I to have the day off from college but that she was going to work at home to ensure I was okay. She subsequently spent the whole day smothering me and couldn't have possibly got any work done at all.

It's nice to know they both care but I am not a good patient and find too much fussing overbearing. Luckily I wasn't sick again and just needed to rest. Thankfully the headaches have lessoned but, as expected, a wonderfully colourful bruise decorates my temple.

So today is Saturday, Mum has an appointment in town and is currently driving via Summer Haze so I can collect my car. Much to my horror she wanted to thank 'Mick' in person for taking care of me but luckily I have managed to dissuade her by saying he is extremely busy and unlikely to be at the house today. To make doubly sure, I delayed our leave time so she is now running late for her appointment and has to drop me off at the end of the track.

I wave her off and head towards the imposing wooden gates. After being stuck indoors over the last few days, the walk is a welcome one, the cool air feels refreshing in my lungs.

I texted Harry yesterday to confirm he'd be around this afternoon and check if it was convenient. His reply 'nowhere else to be' I found quite amusing.

As usual I enter the garden through the gate to be greeted by a feint melody from guitar strings. I wander around the back of the house towards the conservatory to find Harry strumming chords around lyrics. His journal and laptop are both open on the low table in front of him. He appears to be writing a song again but this one is different to the last one I heard. It is fascinating to see a musician at work and not something I have been privy to before. I feel compelled to listen.

"Short days,

The summer haze shines across her face,

Long nights,

All alone shadows cast no light."

His fingers leave the strings and he leans forwards again to tap the keys on his laptop. Worried he might see me, I decide to make my presence known. Last time I pried into his business we argued. We are getting on well at last and I don't want to do anything to jeopardise that.

"Hi Harry." I knock my fist lightly against the doorframe. "Not disturbing you am I?"

He cocks his head to one side and smiles, "Hello, not at all. I woke up this morning with my head absolutely buzzing with lyrics and I had to get them down." He places the guitar upright between his legs and leans forward to rest his clasped hands on top of the mahogany headstock. His fingers are adorned with three silver rings, each very pretty but masculine at the same time.

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