13 (Just kidding but read anyway.)

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That moment when it's time to rant.
This summer has been frickin' amazing. And now it's practicality done. Pretty sad. I got a lot of support and made tons of great friends. And I'm sure if all this wasn't here I'd probably be watching tv or some crazy shit like that (who watches tv*shudder* jk jk don't kill me) And now you're probably wondering, where's the rant? Here it is. A lot of parents treat kids like me and a lot of you guys like absolute shit, because of how you dress, how you act, what you listen to and even just using the Internet. I in particular have heard some pretty mean shit. Just because we're not perfect students, ladies and daughters. Sometimes also for sports skill. And alot of people take it out on themselves. This coming school year and if it has already started, remember that all these things that aren't important to you aren't fucking important at all! What does it matter if you're unfit? At least you're not anorexic! And as long as you're in your weight limit who cares who's thinner than you! It's not like you're going to look the same way for ever! Who gives a shit if you can't cook or if you don't walk the write or if you're never gonna get a husband? It's your fucking life! So everyone who reads this has to promise me to be strong in the comments on my profile, heck private message spam me! This year we go on the opposing team ladies and gentlemen, boys and gouls. This year we freak out popular kids so much that they don't even dare to look at us much less mess with us! This year we have the attitude of a punk rocker and we quake the system like it's the I♥radio stage when they cut green day's time! Break it like it the guitar bille joe smashed! And flip off everyone who tells you otherwise!

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