Wish (Ai)ce luck, it might just freaking suck.

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So hey guys, I found an amazingly helpful tumblr blog (which I thoroughly went threw btw) to help me write the uta pri fanfic. I decided that since it was originally an otome game, I should now what the games entail in the least and, boy did I stumble upon the mother load. Okay I have to admit, uta no prince sama looked easy enough to take on mainly because Kpop idol are my life and Tokiya. Yeah, but as it turns out, the games were just as shitty as the anime. With reviews like:

  The moral of this game was "If you partner with Haruka, only horrible things will happen to you."   

  Sooo needless to say, I will be selling this game. 

 Amazon Japan pretty much gave this game 2.5 stars

  This is not an otome game, its a piece of garbage with BL undertones. 

  Well congratulations Broccoli, you're now on my "to never buy list" along with Otomate and Honeybee. Good riddance. ( '_ゝ')

And now I know  where that ship I hate so much comes from (Tokiya x Otoya accentuated by uta no prince sama Debut) no serious fuck that ship (Tokiya x Ren for the win!!!) I think I made the second one up, I found only one fanfic like that. But serious. Whatever your religion pray for me otherwise, god knows what.

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