Chapter 2: The Unknown

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I stormed in to my eighteenth century Manor. The beauty of it swept me away. In all the time I lived in the place, I never noticed the fine details that had gone into building such a fine manor. The walls were burgundy red, the floors made from chestnut, and the art on the walls were exquisite. Even as a heartless vampire, I knew I had taste.

"V, thought you were dead." I turned around to Talia's voice. She was the swordsman of our Coven, and a crazy one at best. She had short red hair and green cat like eyes. She wore a black corset with blue jeans and stilettos.

"You can wish and wish and it will never happen Lia." I smiled and stared at her.

Shock and something else played across her fine features. ,

"You are different."

I watched as her nose opened and closed, she could smell I had changed, something I wasn't ready to face; and then just like that she attacked.

She lifted her hand up and swiveled sideways to kick, I was faster than she was and I blocked all her shots. I swung her leg back around and yanked her down. She laid on the floor staring up at me in horror. I gripped her by the throat and picked her up with my one hand.

"I do not know what or why this has happened to me. You might smell that I am different, but I am still older then you all. I am still more powerful then you and the rest. Do not underestimate me. I can still rip your heart out if I want to." I watched as her neck turned black under my fingers. She gripped onto my hand and tried to unlock the hold I had around her neck. Something told me that I couldn't hurt her. It came as a shock, and that is when I dropped her back to the floor.

"Honestly, this early and you too are at each other's throats?" Maddie walked into the room with her blonde long curly hair and that white voluptuous wrap-around dress. She was the provocative one of the Coven. She loved sex. She always said that she loved ripping the heart out of the man she had sexual relations with and then drinking from it until it was dry. I had a theory as to why. Some man must have really hurt her before she was turned. It was the only reason for why she would do that.

"V, I hear a heartbeat!" Maddie looked at me in shock, she walked over to Talia's side, and both women stared at me as if I was a rodent.

"Don't even bother attacking, she's still a vampire. I just don't know what kind of vampire."

I smiled at Talia's words to Maddie.

"Vana, what happened to you?" Maddie stepped closer towards me.

I was the leader of the Coven. I made up the group. Vampires are in numbers. You had the Shallthor Coven, consisting solely of men, the Grandly Coven, which were men and women. The elders put the covens in place... I was one of the oldest Vampires and one of the leaders.

Lately, there had been shift in the atmosphere, too much politics. The different covens were splitting up. It seemed like there was a war on between us. In the end, everyone wanted to be crowned queen or king of the coven

The coven I created consisted of four women. All were born around the sixteen hundreds. They all had a special quality that made us the worst coven to attempt to kill. We were as ruthless as any other coven - more so actually.

One thing you must know about vampires, is that we do not care to kill our own kind, but if our kind were under any kind of threat from a different race, we would do everything in our power to protect one another.

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