Chapter 5: Aware

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Whoops: Please be advised that this chapter contains sexually explicit scenes.


I walked over to my black satin drapes. It was early morning and events from last night played through my mind over and over again. His hands squeezed against my thigh, how he looked at me as if I was the only women alive with so much hunger that it made me ache in places I never knew I could ache in. I was hungry for him and missed his presence around me; I couldn't believe all that had changed in one day.

Just two days ago I was ripping out throats. The only thoughts that possessed my mind were those of who would be my next kill. Now all I could think about was how sensual his touch was, how his smile was lopsided and sexy as hell. I had to get a grip on these emotions that where abnormal to me. It I couldn't, then that made me question was I really as strong I thought myself to be?

''We are ready for university Mum.'' Maddie said as she strolled into my room.

None of the girls were looking forward to venturing out into the unknown of college life. I could feel their unease. Today they would walk out into the sun; I must say if it wasn't for me waking up in the light I wouldn't have ventured out into the unknown myself.

''So are you ever going to tell what happened on your date last night? Did he taste as good as he looked?'' Maddie sat down on my bed and played with a tassel that hung off the pillows.

I kept quiet; I wasn't that comfortable discussing my private life as I had never discussed it with anyone ever. Before we all regained our humanity, none of the girls cared who our prey was or victim for the day, the only thing we discussed was politics of the counsel. Now that Maddie had her humanity back she asked me question after question and all I could do was brush her off and keep my mouth shut.

I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. I stared at the black leather shorts and red blouse. I should wear black pumps and tie my hair in a high pony tail. Should I cover up the cleavage I was showing?

''You look...normal,'' Maddie said as her eyes assessed my attire. ''I've never seen you wear flats though.''

''Well, I decided to wear them today. What are you - the fashion police or something?'' I glanced over at her and smiled.

''Just saying, but you still look hot.''

I laughed at her comment. ''Maddie when have you ever told me I look hot?''

''Right now,'' she said and flipped a strand of blonde hair over her shoulder.

''Okay, let's go.'' I walked past her to the door. A sudden rush in my stomach appeared as the thought of seeing Connor again crossed my mind.

It was nearly six thirty as I opened the door to the mansion. Blaire, Maddie and Talia stood behind me. Their nerves made me feel sick; I could sense their feelings, they were all nervous for what awaited them. I never had a chance to build up nerves when I woke up in the middle of the street; I just had to deal with it.

I walked outside and was greeted by birds chirping and the smell of roses. The wind was refreshing, and I glanced up towards the blue sky. It was glorious I thought and turned around to look at the other women that were standing in the doorway like there was a monster about to pop out from the bushes. I felt like a mother hen encouraging her young ones to follow and not be afraid.

''It won't kill you, just walk out the door.'' I gestures with my hands.

Talia pushed Maddie forward and said ''Blondes first.'' Maddie spun around and gave Talia one of her looks I assumed.

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