Chapter 6: Bleeding Love

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''You say she attacked you.'' My brother Cleo asked Leah, as she laid on a sofa.

"Yeah, ask him, he was there.'' She held her hand over her left side where her ribs were and pointed with the other hand over at me.

''Connara, what happened?'' My brother asked and I sat their quiet; I didn't know if I should laugh or throw something, only I could find a mate in a Vampire.

''Connara?'' My brother called my name again and I still sat their numb. How could the most beautiful women I had ever come across be a vampire? I had never met one before, and now I was finding out I had sex with one. A part of me tried to be repulsed at the thought but I just couldn't. She was the best sex I ever had.

I could not have smelt her like how Leah did because I had not turned yet. The reason why Ivana couldn't smell me was for the same reason.

''Connor!'' My brother yelled and I looked up at him.

''Are you ill? Is what Leah said true?'' he asked his face showed fury like non I had ever seen.

I looked down at my hands and remembered how they had touched Ivana's softest places; I couldn't believe her a Vampire, as far as I knew Vampires couldn't walk in the light.


''They have touched one of us, I cannot allow that to go unpunished, there will be consequences. For every action there must be a reaction. This truce has come to an end!''

I felt the turmoil in me as I watched my brother's anger grow.

''Alpha, she's a Vampire but why is she able to walk around in day time?'' Leah asked my brother and I too awaited his answer.

''I don't know, but I will find out.'' Cleo said.

''How do you know her Connor?'' Cleo asked and I licked my lips.

''She's a student.'' I said, I could not let him know that she was the women my wolf and I had marked as our mate.

''Con, it seemed like she was trying to defend you from me.'' Leah said and I looked over at her. I took in her words and now that I think about it, she had pushed me away from Leah as Leah had grabbed me.

''Leah has a point, brother, why did she attack Leah and leave you?'' Cleo asked and I was for some reason trying to think of a stupid excuse to hide the truth.

''She doesn't know I am a wolf...I haven't changed yet, she could not smell it on me, as soon as she knocked Leah down she ran,'' I lied.

My brother stared at me and I thought he could see through it all.

''We need to call a meeting, gather the pack.'' Cleo looked over at Creed who was his right hand Wolf. The man bowed his head and walked out. Cleo turned and looked at me.

''You will not return to that college, the next full moon is tomorrow night; your change will happen and we need to prepare you.''

I shot a glare at him. Could he still smell the mating on me? Was my wolf not repulsed by the fact that the women we wanted was a vampire. I was about to argue when my brother interrupted.

''That is an order Connara, do not question me, not now.''

I jumped up and pushed him against the wall. I wanted to hurt someone. Heat and anger boiled in me and I was going to explode. Cleo looked stunned for a second before he pushed me back, he let out a growl and I did the same.

Never had I lifted a hand to him before, but I felt as if I was on a roller coaster that was now slowly descending to the ground, I had known this woman for two days and my whole world felt like it was rocketing.

''What the hell is wrong with you!'' Cleo shouted and stormed up to me, he stuck his head in my face and I pushed him back, my body shook with rage.

''Get out! Go for a drive, I don't know what has possessed you but get your head together. I might be your brother but I am your Alpha!'' he shouted and I backed away. Not because I was scared of him but because he was right, he was my Alpha, the leader. I turned around and ran out, I needed to get the hell away from this place; I needed to clear my mind.

I ran past various cottages towards the woods; my heart hummed in my chest as I entered the forest. The trees shaded me from the sun, looming over me. I stopped to take a breather. Thoughts of Ivana's body, of her laugh and smile took over my mind like a demon. I bashed my fist into one of the trees. I didn't feel the pain, or the blood running down my hand.

Breathe Con, just breathe. I told myself and looked up at the branches above my head. How had my life become an utter wreck in less than forty-eight hours? What was I going to do? If the mating call is anything like what I had heard I was totally screwed once I changed, my wolf would go on a hunt for her, and I wouldn't try and stop him as I wanted her too. I wanted her still even though I knew what she was.

And if I sought her out only the heavens know what would happen, my brother would kill me for having any relations to a vampire. He was already declaring war on Ivana's species, and then what? I couldn't be with a woman and at the same time be at war with the very thing she is, and that's the biggest question, would she want to be with me knowing what I am? I had to somehow control my urge of being with her; I had to put the pack and its needs before my own. I could not go against my people, not for a woman I barely knew...the wolf inside me howled; it hurt me just as much to do it, but once my brother declared war I could only take one side and that was next to Cleo.

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