Chapter 4: Mated

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Pinky-Cat

Whoops: Please be advised that this chapter contains sexually explicit scenes.


I wound down the window to my mustang, the air was cold but my body was on fire. She drove me crazy. I could still smell her sweet aroma on my fingers; I needed to wash the smell off me. I had never met a woman like her, she was uniquely different, and she walked with such grace and held herself like no women I had ever seen before. She reminded me of a cat...Ivana was wild but at the same time restrained.

I asked myself as I turned onto Brixton Drive. I have heard from many like me that when you find a mate you will do everything in your power to be with that person. I always thought myself a lone wolf; I hated the idea of mating. I was always the playboy of my pack, but man, after having her I never wanted to touch another female in my life again. She was in my veins like a drug, a drug I would need again. It took all my restraint to hold back from her, but when she climbed out that water looking like a water goddess, the animal in me came out and I pounced.

Ivana was absolutely intoxicating, she reminded me of a hurt bird. She had so many personalities I didn't know where to begin; she wanted to be crazy wild and at the same time hold back from the world as if it was all new to her. She wanted to spread her wings but it was as if her thoughts clipped them anytime she tried to fly. Man I had my work cut out for me. This one time my animal finds a mate, it's a psychotic crazy, insanely beautiful women. I should take her advice and stay far away from her, cut my losses now before the animal in me yearns to be with her and then I'm totally screwed. A little voice in the back of my head said, it's too late for that buddy, you are so screwed already.

' 'It's not just your animal con, it's the human side of you too.'' I spoke out loud to myself and then laughed. Man I had it bad; I needed to clear my head. I needed to find my brother, even though he would laugh and say 'I told you so'. He was the only one I could talk to before I go off and do something stupid.

It had been over two hours before I pulled up to the facilities of Oakley Ridge, it was the premises where my entire pack lived. Back in the days, packs used to live in the wild, but now we had become a bit more civilized. The facility was on a plot; once you mated the pack would build you and the women who you will spend the rest of your days with a cottage. For those who were not me... have to take accommodation up with the rest who haven't been cast under a spell of Love and Lovemaking in the Wolf Pack club house.

The gates that led up to the house opened and I drove up on a dirt road. I reached the peak of the hill and I looked down to see floods of lights scattered throughout. Dammit, I had forgotten it was Silla. Silla was one of the fathers that had created the pack, every month all the wolves of the pack would sit around a bon fire drinking and toasting in his name. I on the other hand wasn't so fond of it. "The Wolf was dead"; I always wanted to scream and tell the rest to give him a break. I could only imagine what my brother, the Alpha male of our Pack, the king, would say about his desolate uncontrollable brother. I was like the black sheep of the family; they all looked at me like I was crazy.

You see, Ivana and you are a perfect match, that voice said again and I drowned it out. I parked my car and got out. Sharia stood on the deck of my brother's cottage. She was beautiful with her brown hair and green eyes, but she was nothing compared to Ivana. There you go with Ivan again, I thought miserably to myself.

''His angry,'' Sharia said as I approached.

''As usual,'' I said back and pushed the door open to the cottage.

I smelt my brother; he smelt of blackwood and mint. I find him sitting behind a table with a pen sticking from his mouth.

''Connara," he said my wolf name and I had the urge to howl.

The Clandestineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें