Chapter One

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May 2nd, 1971
It was time to leave university for London during Spring break. I was in the train station. I saw someone staring at me. He was not bad looking. Well he was better than that. I noticed him looking at my bass guitar case. I looked at his as well. He started walking up to me.
"Hello, I feel like I know you, what is your name?" He asked, and now that he mentioned that he, too looked familiar.
"My name is Keegan, and yours?" I replied.
"John. John Deacon. You have a unique name, may I ask how you got it?"
"Yeah, my dad named me and I think he was kind of drunk that night. So are you leaving from the school?" I asked, believing that was why he seemed familiar.
"Yes, and where are you heading?"
"London, I live in a flat with my cousin,"
"Oh I'm going there to stay with my cousin, but I don't live there," he said. We got on the train and talked more like how we both played bass, and how he could give me lessons on it because I had just started. I also gave him my phone number and said goodbye when the train got to London.

Later that night I told my cousin, Lauren, all about John. She congratulated me on finally getting what she called a boyfriend. I didn't think it was that far yet. I heard the phone ringing.
"Ooooo, is that John Deacon?" Lauren asked, I ignored.

"Hello?" I knew it was him but I acted as though I didn't.
"Keegan? Hey!"
"Hi!" I blushed.
"So I heard that new band Queen is playing at the pub," he started. "Would you like to go with me?
"Of course! I'd love to!"
"Tomorrow at 6?"
"Yeah! Bye! We'll meet there?"
"Yes, bye!"

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