Chapter Three

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I woke up to my annoying alarm. Lauren has her own room. Her and my best friend, Eva we're going to meet John Deacon today. However, before that I wanted to meet with Queen and try out for the bassist part. So, I got in my car and drove to the address I was given to go to. It was a few miles away and when I pulled up there were three cars there. I took my bass and walked up to the door and knocked. The drummer answered the door.
"Hello, I see you are one of the people that wanted to try out? I assuming your not the John Deacon person, so hello, Keegan, your not bad looking," he said. I was flattered but then realized he said John Deacon and freaked out.
"Uh, John Deacon is here?" I asked.
"Uh yes," he started, "do you know him? Oh yes, and I'm Roger Taylor, Freddie is in the kitchen and Brian is coming right now," he finished and welcomed me inside. I could not turn back now and had to face John.
"Keegan?" I heard John's confused voice as he looked at my voice and grew mad.
"Hey, John," I said nervously.
"Keegan, why are you here?" He asked.
"I came to visit," I lied. Roger looked at me funny, I returned the favor.
"Well, John, we'll listen to Keegan play and we'll choose someone," well Brian didn't know what was happening. John glared at me and walked to the bathroom.
"What's wrong with him?" Roger asked, checking me out. I followed him, with out answering. I snuck into the bathroom, and I saw him on the floor, sad looking. I walked out awkwardly and joined the rest of the band, ready to try out.

Well that did not go as planned. I was accepted and am now a member of Queen. I didn't even tell John yet and I told the rest of the band not to, even though they probably wouldn't anyway. They just told him someone that previously tried got in. I told Eva and Lauren right away.
"Oh my gosh Keegan you did it!" Eva replied to my announcement, over the phone.
"Yeah, but don't tell John when we meet him later, he really wanted to get it,"
"Ok, I just so excited for you!"
"Well, see you later, Eva,"

The meet was really awkward. We kinda ran into Roger Taylor and I think John got a little jealous.
"Oh, hello, new bassist," Roger said, appearing a little drunk. John's jaw dropped. I awkwardly smiled and Eva and Lauren looked worried.

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