Chapter Two

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May 3rd, 1971
I had an awesome night with John.
I met John at the pub and could hear music from inside. Sounded good. We went inside and got a seat. We both ordered drinks, but it took a while to get them. At least we had entertainment, and I have to say they weren't bad looking (and bad sounding). Especially the drummer. Anyway, I thought I should stop checking them out while I'm on what I assumed was a date. We chatted for a while, got another drink, talked more.
"So why have you come to London for Spring break?" I asked him, over the loud music.
"Well I wanted a break from my small town and also wanted to visit my cousin. Well, and one more thing," he paused.
"Well...?" I asked.
"Well it was kind of my goal to become the bassist of Queen, but I've seen that they have found one," he said, glaring at the new addition.
"So, the lead singer is kinda cute...," I said to change the subject because John seemed a little disgruntled, later realizing that wasn't the best topic to bring up. He looked at me funny.
"Uh, not cuter than you, though," I said.
"Oh, okay," he said with a small grin. Conversation dulled down when the lead singer, who I later learned was named Freddie, started talking.
"Hello everyone, welcome!" Cheers started. "We are especially proud of this song, so listen up, darlings!" He finished. Everyone listened, and as the sky got darker, Freddie said one last thing. Also realizing that John's little dream sounded fun and being that I play the bass as well it would be fun.
"Ok everyone, settle down!" He waited patiently as if he had something important to say. "An announcement to everyone, we are looking for a new bass player!" Everyone looked to the current one confused until they realized he said that because they were kicking him out. I personally thought he was good but I could be better.
"Goodnight everyone!!!!"
I was too lost in my own thought to realize John seemed more excited. We left the pub soon after and he kissed me on the cheek. He also slipped in the words "I love you" almost as if he did not want me to notice, but I did and I replied with "I love you, too". He smiled. I later told Lauren and she told me that things were happening too quickly but she was the one that brought up him being my boyfriend so I wasn't gonna trust her words.
I had another priority though. And it is to become the next bass guitarist of Queen.

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