Chapter Four

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John looked as though he was about to leave.
"John, I'm sorry...," I started. He ignored me and walked outside. I followed him to find him leaning against his car, about to light a cigarette.
"Why, Keegan?" He asked.
"I just wanted to try, I didn't think I would actually be accepted,"
"I'm sure Roger just pushed the rest of them to accept you," he said, which was probably right.
"I'm so sorry, John,"
"Are you really," he started, "If you were, you would quit,"
"I am sorry!" I yelled. He through his cigarette, got in his car, and drove away. I walked back inside, a tear in my eye. Roger was still there.
"Where is he?!" Eva asked.
"He left," I said, sadly.
"Oh, God, I guess it's my fault," Roger said, still drunk. I got mad for a second but realized that he would've had to find out sooner or later. Freddie walked in, and I assumed was for Roger.
"Darling, what's wrong?" He asked, I pointed at Roger. "What did you do now, Roger,"
"Nothing at all," he said, trying to look innocent. Freddie gave him a judgmental stare. He gave in. "Well I indirectly told that guy, John Deacon, that Keegan was chosen as our new bassist," he said. Freddie rolled his eyes.
"Classic Roger," he said, Eva, Lauren, and I nodded in agreement. Roger just shrugged his shoulders.
"It'll be fine, Keegan, just remember, I'm available," Freddie said. Wait, did he just hit on me?! Eva giggled and Roger have Freddie a death stare, as I started laughing.
"Well I might see if I still have a chance with John," I replied.
"Really, Keegan, he failed," Freddie said, jokingly. I didn't find that funny though and went to the nearest pay phone to call John who I assumed was at home by now. No answer. I left without going back inside and left Lauren to take a cab.

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