Chapter Six

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"What are you doing, Keegan?" John asked.
"Um, I think that's a little self-explanatory," I responded. He made a weird face at Freddie. Freddie did as well, and I have to say Freddie was much better at it.
"What about us?!" He asked loudly.
"Us?! You walked out yesterday, leaving me!" I yelled. Freddie was just standing back, having no intention of joining the argument. He must have realized what he did, and walked off, leaving me and Freddie, once again.
"Well that was fun," Freddie said, sarcastically. I nodded and took another sip of champagne.
"Freddie, I've been thinking, I don't want to be the bassist anymore,"
"What? Are you sure?!"
"Yes, let John be, he wants it more than I do," I said. It was getting late. We kissed goodbye, and he dropped me off at my flat.

"What?! You gave it up?!" Eva screamed, over the telephone.
"Yes, I did," I said.
"Does he know yet?" She asked.
"Yes, Freddie told him after he got home from our date,"
"So you are going out with Freddie now?"
"I guess," I said with a sigh.
"Well that's strange, I thought there was something a little different about him," she started.
"Like what?"
"Like as if girls aren't really his thing," she replied.
"And how could you tell by just looking at him?"
"I don't know," she said with a laugh. I laughed too. "I just don't want you to be hurt later on, like him realizing and breaking up with you," she said.
"That's really sweet of you, but there's no way you can tell that, and you just met him, too," I said.
"Well, if you don't think so," she said, giggling slightly. "Anyway, I should get going," Eva said.
"Ok, bye,"

That was awkward.
And now that she pointed it out, I was slightly worried.

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