Chapter Five

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When I got home I went straight to bed and did not know when Lauren came back. I like Freddie and all, but I want to see if I can get back with John. I was afraid of how mad Lauren was, but when I woke up, she was already at work. On the kitchen counter, I found a note.

Thanks for bringing me home last night, I appreciate it. I don't see at all how that helped and I'm expecting you to pay me back for the cab.

Ok, so she was mad, and I don't blame her. After I read the note, the phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked, hoping it was John.
"Hello, is this Keegan?" The voice who I assumed was Freddie.
"Yes, and who is this," I stated.
"It's Freddie, and I want to apologize about last night," he said. "I wanted to convince Roger to come on but he decided to sleep in," he continued,
"Well, thank you," I said.
"And I know it's kind of soon, but do you want to go to the park with me later, perhaps have a picnic?" I smiled, and figured John was a lost cause.
"Sure, what time?" I asked.
"Today, at four?"
"I'll pick you up, ok?"
"Ok, bye!" I said.
"Goodbye," he replied. I put the phone down. I was excited!

When it came to be 4 o' clock, I saw Freddie pull up next to my flat. He walked up to to the door and I opened the door before he got to it. He was carrying roses, and he gave them to me. I put them in a vase and got in his car (which he later told me was Roger's car). We got to the park and he spread a blanket. He put out a basket, revealing he had brought champagne. He was almost too good at this. He had sandwiches, which he said he got Brian to make, so they were safe to eat. We talked for a while and at 6 we broke out the champagne. At 6:10, however, I saw John walking around the park. Freddie looked worried, as though he didn't want him to see me, which I was fine with. A few minutes later, he did make eye contact and started slowly walking towards us.

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