Chapter 30

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Avery's POV

"Avery get up" Matt shook me.

"What do you want" I grumbled.

"Get up" he said more sternly

"Five more minutes" I shoed him away.

"Avery Alice Hughey get up now" he growled I jumped out of bed and ran to my room to chsnge.

"Happy I'm dressed" I sighed sitting on the couch next to Drew.

"Yes I am now eat were going to the doctor in twenty minutes" he sighed handing me the plate.

"Oh suck to be you you have to visit a doctor and get shots" Drew teased.

"Actually no I'm not getting shots I'm visiting a doctor so she can tell my brother in a nut job and needs to be on all this medication for some stupid bad memory that I got over as soon as I got into my room" I said the last part loud so Matt could hear.

"Yeah I could tell you got over it that's why you were in my bed"

"You sleep in my bed does that mean you need to visit a doctor who just wants to prescribe all the medication he can" I grumbled.

"Car. Now." He growled I sighed and walked to the car
○●○●○●○●○After doctor visit●○●○●○●

"I told you he just like to proscribe stuff" I wined to Matt

"Ave I think your over reacting"

"So you think I need anti depressants , anxiety, riddleen, ...."

"Alright so maybe he likes to prescribe medication so what what's the big deal"

"Matt I'm pretty sure some of this stuff cancels the other out and I'm pretty sure it's not healthy" I complained.

When we got home I threw all 12 baggies of medication on the table going into the kitchen.

"Damn are we starting a pharmacy" I hear Ian laugh

"No those are going down the toilet when Matt's asleep" I sigh picking them all up.

"No there not I'm giving them to Jason to make sure you take them" Matt said taking them from me.

"Why him"

"Because I'm going to be gone for a week I'm visiting aunt Linda" he sighs
"Ha suck to be you right now" I laugh

"What ever" he growled then left the kitchen.

"So Matt won't be here for a week you wanna have a sleep over just me, you and Joey"

"I would but I know you have some things to straighten out with Jason"


"Bye Avery" Matt sighed kissing my head

"Bye Matt have fun at aunt Lindas maybe find a cute girl to embarrassed your self in front of"

"Haha very funny Jason will be here in five minutes bye" he said sarcastically shutting the door. As soon as the door shut the loneliness sunk in I hated being in the house alone.

I went on the couch and watched two movies by the time the door bell rang. I jumped by the sudden noise and got on the ground crawling into the kitchen I grabbed my knife sticking it in my sock. I army crawled to the door when the bell rang again.

"Anyone home" a voice rang from the other side

"No now go away" I yelled then I realized I just told them I was here.

"Avery it Jason"

I smiled and got up I opened the door and jumped on Jason hugging him tight when I finally got down I punched him in the gut.

"Avery what the hell" he groaned I pulled him in shutting and locking the door.

"You were supposed to be here an hour ago" I complained

"Well I had to set some rules for the guys at the house" he replied sitting on the couch.

I pulled the knife out of my sock and set it on the table sitting next to Jason.
"Jeez what were you planing to do with that" he asked.

"Butcher the stanger on the other side of the door but it was you so I decided to wait till Matt gets home"

"Oh well fine I'm just here to make sure you take your meds."

I groaned loudly going into the kitchen taking them "happy"

"Yes now I can leave"

"No Jason!!...ugh I mean Jason don't you want to spend the night" I tried playing it cool after my panic attack.

"Why are you scared the bad guy is going to come for you" he teased but I took him seriously and went upstairs and sat on my bed with my knees up crying because yeah I was scared there's not a day in my life I'm not scared but these medications were not helping they seemed to make it worse.

"Aves can I come in" Jason sighed

"I thought you left" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. He opened the door and sat in front of me.

"Look Avery I'm a shitty boyfriend I guess after the gun rang I felt like I don't know you at all" he sighed

"Jason can you please just sleep with me tonight this medication only makes everything worse" I begged

"Avery I'm your boyfriend I should be begging you to sleep with you" he laughed taking of his shirt and crawling behind me wrapping me securely close to his body.

"Thanks Jasey"

"Anytime Ave"

That night I fell asleep in Jasey's arms.

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