Chapter 32

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I woke up before Jason did and jogged down the stairs. When I walked into my living room there's were twelve guys asleep on the floor and two guys watching tv on the couch I slowly walked into the kitchen. To see a tall guy with red hair eating my cereal out of the box.

"Excuse you what are you doing" I yelled taking the box away from him. "Eating my cereal babe" he smirked taking the box. "First don't call me babe and second get the hell out of my kitchen" I growled. He got up walking towards me he cornered me when I saw the gun hanging from his pants.

"I don't like when girls tell me what to do" he growled kissing my cheek I kicked him in his balls so he doubled over. I ran but he grabbed my foot sending me crashing to the ground he crawled on top of me kissing my neck I tried hitting him but he chuckled grabbing my arms with one hand and the other trailing the hem of my shirt tears were running out my eyes faster then I thought possible.

"You better back the fuck off her" a dark voice I recognized growled. I looked up to see Ian I smiled letting my head hit the ground lightly. "Why do you care" the guy growled "because for starters she's not your girlfriend and she looks traumatized" Ian growled the guy smirked and continued to touch me.

"Get the fuck off of her" Matt growled ripping the guy off me punching him in the face. "Ave you ok" Joey asked I nodded "I'm going back to my room can these people please leave I don't know any of them" I whispered he nodded.

I ran to my room seeing Jason still alseep I knew those were his friends "get out of my bed and out of my room" I growled pulling the covers off of him letting anger control me. He sat up shocked and confused "what's going on babe" he asked grabbing me lightly by my waist.

"GET OUT" I screamed he looked so confused "NOW" he looked at me then at the door waited a second before leaving.

It was his fault I almost got rapped in my own damn kitchen with a house full of men around me.

"Avery can I come in" it was Ians voice "yeah" I mumbled he came in and sat next to me by the wall. "Ave Jason didn't know" he whispered. "Didn't know what that I didn't know there over twelve guys downstairs or me being the only girl in the house wouldn't get me noticed or the fact that one was going to rape me in the fucking kitchen" I screamed

"Avery calm down Jason wouldn't purposely put you in danger he loves you" Ian said I calmed down a bit. "OK I'll go downstairs and talk to Jason" I said.

I walked downstairs to see Alex, Joey, Drew and Matt looking terrified by the stairs. "What's going on" I asked "Jason's in there questioning the gang" Drew mumbled. I nodded walking past them but Matt grabbed my arm "where are you going Jason's pissed" he asked "he could kill someone" I said shaking him off going into the living room.

"So which one of you ass holes traumatized my princess" Jason growled no one said anything "fine have it your way" Jason growled grabbing his gun pointing at a guy who looked 15. I grabbed Jason's arm pointing the gun to the ground.

"What are you doing Avery " he mumbled "stopping you from making a mistake" I whispered I took his gun setting it down on the table. "Come with me" I whispered "what am I going to do with them then we have another mission today" he asked. I looked down "Jason it doesn't matter right now ok" he was going to protest but I smashed my lips to his.

When we pulled away for air I pulled him closer to me. "You can either stay down here and argue with the boys or you can come upstairs with me your choice" I whispered just so he could hear. He grabbed my hand and we walked upstairs past those guys, our friends and into my room.

He shut the door behind me turning around I jumped on him kissing him hungrily my hands running through his hair and his hands pulling at my shirt. We broke apart and he pulled my shirt off as I did his. He stared at me for a second before I jumped off him standing in front of him pushing him on the bed.

I let my hands travel his abs to his belt I bit my lip suddenly getting nervous he must have noticed because he grabbed my hands pulling me up to his chest flipping us so he was on top of me kissing my neck making me moan loudly.

"Jason sir it's time" the guy from earlier said standing at the end of the bed staring at my chest biting his lip. Jason noticed him staring and growled "get out I'm coming" the guy didn't answer just stared at me causing me to tense under Jason's body. "Get the fuck out now" Jason growled the guy shook his head coming out of some trance and left.

Jason got up angrily changing into jeans and shirt before slamming the door causing me to jump. I threw on my shirt and ran downstairs after Jason who still looked pissed the house was empty my brother was gone the guys were gone and Jason was leaving.

"Jason" I yelled after him. "What" he growled "what's your problem" I growled. "Your a slut" he yelled I slapped him "your a dick" I yelled "how am I a dick I was willing to kill over half of my gang for you" he shouted in my face.

"Yeah such a big compermise you kill people for what, something you did I was mad because there was all these people in my house that I didn't know with guns oh yeah and the guy who was going to rape me was not in that line anyways so now your turn explain how I'm a slut" I screamed in his face he looked sad at first then pissed.

"That guy walked in and he was obviously staring at your chest but hey who cares let the world look at you boobs right"

"Fuck you McCann" I growled slapping him before walking away he grabbed my arm kissing me roughly. "Go to hell Jason" I yelled pushing him away. "Fuck you Avery" "you wish you could" I spat before pushing him out the door and locking it. I slid down the door crying. Why did I do that.

After about an hour a knock came to the door maybe it was Jason I could apologize for being a bitch. I opened the door a man stood there he pulled me with him by the wrist as I struggled to get lose kicking and punching but he just laughed covering my mouth with a rag and slowly things went black.

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