Home Again

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This was requested by chloerenae248 :)
"coming home from tour" I hope it's everything you expected! Also I was inspired by a preference about this on tumblr- I forget the author but she is absolutely amazing. Also a little authors note at the end~ Katie

Nine months. It had been nine months since you had last seen Louis.

But today was the day. Today Louis would return from his world tour.

You spent hours doing your hair and makeup, picked out the nicest outfit you had and shaved everywhere. You didn't know why you did really. Louis and you had been together for more than a year and he had seen you in your worst state.

In the back of your mind though you knew exactly why you tried so hard to look your best. You were afraid Louis had changed his opinion on you.

What if he had found someone better? Louis got so much attention, there were so many fans. You had seen plenty on social media and you knew they were beauties you couldn't compare to.

You were nervous. You shouldn't be so nervous. Louis was your boyfriend. He loved you.

At least that's what he claimed 9 months ago. At least that's what he repeated every time you phoned or skyped over the past months.

But what if he saw you and realized he was wrong? What if he hadn't meant it, he just said it? What if when he got home he would break up with you?

You still loved him with all your heart, that was all you knew. You had missed him more than anything. Letting him go, not seeing him for months was the hardest thing you had ever went through.

Now he was back.

You stood in front of the airport, not being able to go back inside feeling nauseous in the crowd of people rushing around the airport. You needed fresh air.

You checked your phone for about the hundredth time. Their plane supposedly landed half an hour ago. By this time they should have went outside.

What if he wasn't coming back? What if he stayed in one of the locations, not wanting to see you? Not wanting to come back?

Panicking, you felt tears brim your eyes thinking you had lost him forever. Then the doors of the building opened.

Your vision was slightly blurred over from the tears so you didn't comprehend when a tall head of brown hair started walking in your direction.

Before you had time to react he had dropped his suitcase and full out sprinted to you, swooping you right off the ground and into his arms. He held you tighter than he ever had.


He lowered you to the ground but he didn't let got of you and you didn't want him to, your arms around his neck and his face buried into yours.

"I missed you so much," Louis whispered into your ear.

"When I didn't see you at the gate I thought you had given up on me. I searched the whole airport. I thought you didn't love me anymore." He confessed and you felt him begin to tremble in your arms.

"I love you, so much it hurts," You said, letting the tears flow freely.

"I love you so much more then you'll ever know," Louis said before pressing his lips to yours.

A/N: Hello! So this is a quick little story I wanted to share since this imagine is a bit short. So as some of you may know I live in New Jersey. I was going to see 5sos at PNC and we were to pick up and pay for the tickets the day of at this place. My friend Jenna invited me over one day and I thought nothing of it. That was a blessing in disguise. We talked about the 5sos concerts we were going to. She was going to one in Hershey Park in PA which is 3 hours awayyy. I was saying how my seats were kinda far and I was annoyed. The next day she invited me to go to Hershey to see 5sos with her and her friend. She even let me stay over in a hotel with her after and go to Hershey park the next day. Wait it gets better. So I was sitting in my seat which was originally her moms and it was far away from the stage so I was like well this isn't what I expected but hey I'm here. Then these 2 girls came up to me randomly and asked me what their first music video was. Well I automatically said She Looks So Perfect because it was their first official vevo one but then I quickly corrected myself and said Try Hard. They smiled at that and said I was right and to follow them. I know sounds like a kidnapping but hey, I had nothing to lose. I followed them and they brought me to their mom (they were 14 btw) and they handed me A 2ND ROW TICKET TO SIT NEXT TO THEM. I was beyond excited. So their mom went and sat where I was originally sitting and I got to sit 2nd row and got noticed by Calum!!!! Luke also kind of noticed me but I don't count it because he only glanced at me. Actually the best night of my life and I am unbelievably lucky and grateful for what those girls did. And the best part I now have 2 more great friends. The next day I went to hershey park with jenna and her friend izzi who originally brought me. Also thanks to them because if they never brought me I would have never been that close gotten noticed or spent the weekend in Hershey:) The End

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