Be Mine

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A/N: HAPPY 24TH BDAY LOUIS!! also merry xmas (and other holidays) and new years to everyone !!! :) I hope you enjoy this one... it's a bit cheesy but that's ok

You wait, and wait. Where the hell is Louis? You were told to meet him by the soccer (football) field late tonight. You lean against the rusted fence, losing your patience.

Louis Tomlinson is your best friend. You have known each other since you could walk. You've laughed together, played together, and even fought together. It's like you were meant to be friends.

Suddenly, your eyes focus on bright headlights behind you. You turn around, to see Louis' black Audi parked in the lot behind you.

You completely forget why you were mad. He was wearing clothes that you loved on him, though you would never tell him that. Louis wore a white tee- shirt with black adidas sweats. His tattoos showed beneath his tee. He was beautiful. But he's your best friend.

"Sorry I'm late," he apologizes. "I was preparing something."

"What was that?" You nag. You always know everything that's happening in each others lives.

"Nothing important," He shrugs you off.

"But important enough for you to be late?" You frown.

Louis smiles,"Follow me,"

He walks to the back of his Audi, forcing the trunk open. He grabs what looks like an old movie projector. Why does he need that? And where the hell did he get that?

"Pretty big thing you have there," You snort.

"I know," he lugs it out of the trunk, "I've been working my ass off on this. I want it to be special."

For you? You try to hide your rosy cheeks, so that Louis doesn't know you're blushing.
He closes the trunk and walks besides you.
"Follow me," he says.

You seem to be following him a lot here.
Your tank top blows in the cold, night breeze, making you shiver. Your shorts do nothing to protect you against the wind, creating goosebumps up your arms.

Louis takes you to the back of the brick wall snack bar. He sits down on the ground and sets the projector down.
He drums the concrete next to you, motioning for you to sit down next to him. You look at the brick wall.

"What are you trying to pull off?" You question.

"It's a surprise," Louis replies, grinning again.

His brown hair whips messily in the breeze, his sky blue eyes concentrating on getting the projector to work.

Suddenly, the projector comes to life, showing a picture of him and you in his car.

"Do you remember this?" Louis asks, curious.

He turns his head to look into your (y/e/c) eyes.

"Yeah," you reply, a smirk appearing on your face, "this was the last day of junior year."

"And what did we do after we were in the car?" he asks.

You chuckle as you look back on the memory.
"You went to my house to stay over because you were too drunk to go home."


"You talked in your sleep," you reply, rolling your eyes.

"Do you remember what I said?" Louis asks, smiling now.

You stare into his eyes, not daring to answer. You know exactly what he said, it hasn't left your mind since last year.

"Do you know what I said?" He repeats.

"Yes, I do," You sigh.

He moves his brown eyebrows up, waiting for an answer.

Well, here goes nothing.

"You said-" You stop. Fuck fuck fuck, this could ruin our friendship forever.

"I said?" He asks very eager now. Louis leans in closer to you. You can feel his breath on your face and have trouble remembering what you were going to say.

"You said 'I love you Y/N," You manage to get out.

Louis grins now.

"Yes. I said that," Louis whispers.

He puts his right hand on your cheek, making you hold your breath. Your mind is spinning and the scent of Louis' cologne captivates you. Only one thought goes through your head.

Kiss me.

As if he heard you, Louis closes his perfect eyes, and leans in even closer to your face. You close your eyes, and lean in closer. This is what you want.

Then, your lips touched. His lips are tender and taste like mint. The kiss wasn't rough but passionate and you traced your fingers through his hair. (Happily reference aye)

At that moment you realized that you were in love with Louis Tomlinson.

You pull back, trying to catch your breath.

"Y/N says 'I love you too," You whisper, grinning.

He smiles, chuckling a little.

Then, Louis pulls you back in and you continue in your little piece of happiness.

Louis ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora