Last Night

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You woke up to the sound of coughing. Pulling the blankets up to your chin, you snuggled closer to the warm body next to you. Your eyes bolted open, only to see a mess of reddish brown hair a centimeter away from your face. What did you get yourself into last night?! You shot up, but Louis' arm pulled you back down. His smell was overwhelming, like a drug. Wincing, you peeked under the covers, hoping to see some form of clothes covering your body. Unfortunately, you were greeted by what you didn't want to see. Louis stirred in his sleep, mumbling something about you. You had to get out of here. You loved him, but you couldn't let him know that. However, the small window of opportunity you had to leave had closed. Louis sat up, groggily rubbing his eyes. You couldn't hold back your smile. He looked adorable, messy hair and all. A knot formed in your stomach when you remembered how he wasn't yours. He grinned that stupid smile, then leaned in really close.

"I love you Y/N," he whispered into your neck, caressing your face.

Your heart melted. But you had to let go of the feeling.

"Louis, this isn't right, you're with Danielle," You protest getting up as the cool air hits your skin.

"Y/N, we were drunk yes, but I loved every moment of last night, hearing you scream my name," He retorted sitting up.

"That night was a mistake, Louis," You cry as you scramble around trying to find your clothes.

Louis got up from his bed and put his arms around you from behind. You fought against him but he held you tightly so you just sunk into his bare chest.

"Danielle and I broke up," He whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

You couldn't take it anymore. You had no control. (haha see what I did there)

"Kiss me," You stated, spinning around.

You didn't wait for his response. Your lips molded together as he found his way around your hips as you made traces in his shaggy morning hair.

He laid you on the bed.

"Ready for the real thing?"

*WOWOWOW ITS LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON'S BIRTHDAY WHOO!!!!HE CANT BE 23 I REMEMBER WHEN HE WAS TURNING 19 I FEEL SO OLD! But yes also I had a bit of trouble writing this because I'm a larry shipper so having a gf involved was ugh. But then again this is a book of imagines where Louis is straight so I guess I'm used to it by now. I respect their gfs and I don't think they are bad people just when you're a larry shipper you grow something against them ya know? Anyway, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LOUIS I HAVE A FUNNY PICTURE THAT YOU CAN SEE IN THE BEGINNING OF THE CHAPTER! And the first half of this is also written by julia if u remember her and the second is by me:)*

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