The Feast

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I stepped into the dinning hall, they place was packed and wild. Everyone was singing or laughing, food was on every table and everyone was digging in. I walked closer to the head to the table and bowed to my Mother and Lady Stark, she spoke with approval, her long red hair braided back in the northern style," You look beautiful Lady Taywin."

I smiled," Thank you." I went to take my seat with the Stark children and my brother, Tommen and Myrcella were too young to attend so they were put to bed, I took a seat by Arya and in front of Sansa who was busy talking to her friend and whispering about Joffrey, what the girl saw in him I had no idea.

Arya took note of my dress," Is that uncomfortable, it looks like it."

I laughed and picked some food from the middle of the table with my fork, every eye at the table was one me," Once you wear a corset for four years you get used to it, at first you want nothing more that to rip it off and set aflame but being a lady means you have to wear such."

Arya grumbled, but Sansa was excited about gowns and dresses," You've been wearing a corset for four years? I would like to have one."

I smiled at her, she loves the gentle arts so much," Trust me, once you have a taste of it you won't want to, don't be so exited about it. You're only a child once and that means to be as mischievous and wild as possible." Arya loved that sound of that, her eyes became brighter. True that me and Sansa were of the same age but I was more advanced, I had not bleed yet my Mother said it wouldn't be long a fore I do.

I knew what that meant, as soon as anyone hears of catches wind of my bleeding then every knight will be clamoring for my hand in marriage. Everyone of them would want my money and virginity, mainly my money, since we Lannisters produce more gold than anyone and that means that they would be in good with us as well.

Sansa spoke and snapped me from my worried thoughts," When do you think you will marry, who do think will be your husband. I hope he'll be handsome."

I swallowed the food I had been chewing," In truth I'm not worrying over such right now, I know sooner or later that I'll need a suitable husband but no right now. I do not worry of such."

Arya then spoke up with a mouthful of food," I would say Jon but he's a bastard, but you to hugged earlier, that should mean something right." Rob and his friend, Theon both choked and then I gaped at Arya.

I blushed some and tried to explain it to Arya," He's my friend and that would never happen, it is true that he is a bastard, no one would be able to marry a higher class unless they were given their sur name by the King, if they are of royal blood."

Arya apparently didn't catch my meaning," So you would if he wasn't a bastard, we'll ask your Father to give him our Stark name."

My blush deepened," I didn't say that. I was saying 'if' he was given a name higher than his current one by my Father then he could marry a woman of nearly any status and give them the Stark name and have noble children."

Arya was toying with me now," So you want to have children with him." Her deep dark eyes shinning with laughter and mischief.

I sighed as everyone around us but Sansa started to laugh, she spoke," I think it sounds romantic, a lady and a man with no name to give, wanting to be together but no way will their parents let them."

Arya smiled at her sister," So we agree on something, even though I don't care for your girly stuff."

Rob and Theon laughed harder, getting a full kick of it, Arya joined in with them and Sansa gave me a sympathetic smile, she had meant well but no one took her serious enough, she was a girl that wanted a fairy-tale dream. My brother saw this to be funny as well and joined in," You must admit sister, your feelings for the boy are quite pathetic, even if he was noble."

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