So on... (Expect The Unxpected)

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Surely after realizing that the man she had slept with was in thought a married man, she began to panic. Until she slowed herself down and started hearing herself speak to the emotions which began to overcome her actions and her sense of control.

The voices spoke,
"Damn I cannot believe this shit". "What if she finds out I'm the one he slept with?" "Where do I go?" "What do I say?" "How can I resolve this?"

But this all happened moments before he was awakened to the clumsy trips, and angered grunts let out by Kaz. She began to snatch up her clothes and slide them on before he could get up. But she was of course, too late.

" Damn, Mami. What chu doin'? Where you going? "
"Ya mother-fuckin' wife, nigga. That's what", shouted Kaz, struggling to pull her pants all the way up, due to her wide set hips.

Stuck in a daze of misbelief he couldn't believe what Kaz had just shouted out. You could tell by his next actions he made, that something seemed to have been hurting him. However, careless to the fact, Kaz headed straight for the door. On her way out she heard the mans deep-toned, Mark Denim like voice, which spoke,

"Nah, man you didn't just say that, YOU DID NOT FUCKIN' JUST SAY THAT!", screamed that deep voice as a tumble of what sounded like CD's fell and scattered across the floor.

Next thing to be heard was the scrambling sounds, of what sound like him going through things, searching for something, but what was he searching for? She heard a dramatic click~clack and a clank sound as if he had got a gun and loaded it with a pack of bullets and cocked it back. A few slow foot steps down the stairs and he was now in the hallway where Kaz was getting ready to turn the front door knob, holding his right hand behind his back. As soon as she felt his presence enter the room her heart began to thunder. She began to grow anxious. She felt fear in her emotional patterns. She knew she was due today, that she had to have been taken to the home of a psycho criminal and that he was going to shoot her dead.

The man began forward, speaking to Kaz in a more calm and settle tone. But Kaz grew more and more afraid each step he took to get to her. She wanted to swing open the door and run out, but he had a gun. Why run when she knew he'll just shoot her down on her way out the door? She stood at the doorframe, holding the knob in complete and utter fear of what might happen in her life next, or would there be a next?

Expect The Unexpected...

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