Chapter 19

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One year later...

I sped through the halls of Reaper HQ to the Portal Room. The alert that there had been a break-in was going off. What if there had been an accident involving someone I knew? Or someone very dangerous coming to hurt them?

I barged into the room to find one of security calling out to everyone from Dispatch, "False alarm! False alarm, everybody!" I breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone was going back to their normal routines, probably happy they weren't going to have to stay any longer than needed. I was about to leave when I spotted someone at the counter near me. I smiled and walked over.

"I thought we fixed this months ago," Sebastian sighed.

Melissa, the woman who I tricked after returning to HQ, apologized, "I'm sorry, Mr. Michaelis, but the fact remains that you are a demon. While the problem has mostly been fixed, there will be times that the alarm will go off because of your species. It's hard to make the system completely immune to just you."

I kissed his cheek and reminded him, "At least it's not going off every time you come here like it used to, sweetheart. Every few months isn't that bad."

He frowned, "I suppose you're right." He said his thanks to Melissa, who was glaring at me, before I pulled him out of the Portal Room.

I asked, "Why are you here, anyways? You know I'm still working."

He explained, "I was coming to ask you if you were working overtime again. The young lord got worried yesterday when you didn't tell us."

"I apologized for that. Anyways, no, I've done my share this week. I'll be off soon. I have one more soul to take care off, but I left the file on William's desk. That's why I came back here, but then I was sidetracked when the alarm went off," I explained. We turned a corner and I ran into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Willow," William said, stepping back a bit.

I smiled, "Hello, Father." He smiled back. Over the year, our relationship had grown very strong. I had let go of all my anger towards him, and he had fully embraced the idea of me being his daughter. Nothing was keeping us separated anymore.

He greeted, "Hello, Sebastian." My lover replied back. I knew he still wasn't thrilled about Sebastian, but he was friendly towards him, at the least. As long as they were civil with each other, I wouldn't push them to like one another.

After finding out Sebastian and I were meant to be, the Reapers could no longer keep us apart. They didn't have a choice, and compromises were made. For example, Sebastian could visit whenever he liked, but he could not actually live here. I was allowed to live with him and Ciel instead. All charges against me were dropped, and they gave me my old job back, so we stayed in England instead. Ciel knew one day he'd have to leave because he wasn't aging and still well known, but he wasn't ready just yet. We all wanted to remain a family a little longer.

William told me, "Actually, I was just looking for you, Willow. You left this on my desk this morning." He handed me the file of the woman about to die.

I grinned, "Thank you! Now, if you both will excuse me, I'll go real this soul and take my leave for the day. I'll see you tomorrow, Father!"

As I walked away from them both, I smiled to myself. It was amazing how much had changed between all of us. Hell, I could hear Sebastian and William having a friendly conversation in the hall! It had all worked out. Finally, we were all happy and content. We had no differences making barriers.

I wasn't the assassin who only cared about killing people for a hefty sum. I wasn't the Reaper who fell for her species' mortal enemy. I wasn't the Deserter who ran away with her forbidden true love. Yes, I was once, but I gratefully left that all behind. I am Willow Rachel Porter, the girl who proved that she didn't have to give up everything to thaw her heart. 

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