True Religion (Part Two)

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August 28th 2015

I was grading papers in the nearby coffee shop when she walked in. Her hair was frazzled and she looked like she hadn't slept in days.

She ordered her coffee and turned when she saw me.She smiled and approached my table.

"Ms.Wright? Can I sit here?" Karson asked timidly.

"Yes of course." She sat down,draping her red leather messenger bag over the wooden chair.

"I usually don't frequent coffee shops, but my roommates have been having band practice for three nights straight."

"Roommates?" I asked timidly, assuming she lived with her parents.

"Yeah,I live with my cousin and his band."

"That must be loud."


She smiled brightly and pushed her hair behind her ears.Her tattoos more prevalent from where her hand now rested on her face.

"What classes do you have next?"

"I have a free period, so I'm probably going to go home and hope everyone is either out or sleeping."

"If you want I can sleep in my office. I have a couch."

"That would be great! Thank you Ms.Wright"

Karson smiled at me and took a sip of her coffee.

"I'm only 23,you can call me Avery."

"Well than thank you Avery."

We finished our coffee and walked towards the school. As we approached my office I started to struggle with the key.

"I can never get this damn key to work."

And then she laughed.

I had never heard a laugh so pure and joyful until I heard hers.It transported me back to the days of lemonade stands and hopscotch tournaments.

I loved her laugh.

When we finally entered the office she gave me another one of those infectious smiles.

"You can sleep as long as you want as long as your up for World Religions."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

I walked closer to where she stood.Something about her drew me in. Soon enough I was so close that I could feel her breathing.

"Avery..." She spoke quietly, her green orbs looking quickly from my eyes to my lips.

And then she kissed me.

It felt like the universe clicked into place, like the puzzle was finally complete. My senses were overwhelmed with vanilla and cigarettes, an taste that made me want more.

I cupped her face and deepened the kiss, her brown skin felt soft under my fingers.

And then it clicked. She was barely 18, she hadn't been an adult for more than a month. And she was my student.

"Karson we can't..."

She just nodded, grabbed her red bag from the couch and left the office.

Smoke (Lesbian Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن