Mi Casa (Part One)

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September 27th 2015

I love Karson.

I haven't said it too her, but if the waves of need and compassion I feel every time I see her are any sign I love her with my whole heart.

"I want to take you out on a date." I said as she kissed designs up and down my neck ans shoulders.


"Somewhere. I just want to take you out on the first date you deserve."

I could feel her smile against my skin.I leaned back and took in the room.It was small and cold,the only things in it were a dresser,a bed and an canvas.

I knew that Karson was a talented artist, but I'd never really believed it until I saw her paint on the large easel.The way she took long strokes and the way her green eye would focus in on the landscapes she was painting.

"Karson!" The voice interrupted my train of thought.

"I'm busy Smith!" She called back before returning to my neck.

"I need you to clean the house before Vanessa comes!"

Karson sighed and sat up. "Give me a second Babe." She said before placing a kiss to my lips and exiting the room.

I heard fragments of her conversation, but if anything it was an argument.Then I heard a sharp noise echo through the house.

Soon she re appeared, the side of her face reddened and her hair frazzled. 

"I know we haven't talked about it, but can I stay with you tonight."

Her eyes were dull with sadness and despair. In that moment she had never looked younger to me. I had always seen her as an old soul, as a spirit of love and strength, but in this moment I knew that I had to be the strong one. 

I stood and pulled her into my embrace.Tears flowed from her eyes.

"Come on honey, let's get you home."

She nodded silently and started to pack clothes into her bag.When she reached for her canvas she looked up at me with lost eyes.

"Can I bring this with me? I don't know if your apartment is big enough..."

I laid my hand on her shoulder.

"Bring anything you want, everything if necessary."

She turned and kissed me heatedly.

"I love you Avery..." She whispered.

I smiled and looked into those green eyes that I'd found solace in.

"I love you too."

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