Chapter 3 - Magic Academy

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The Prince of Walstahydra and Princess Luna look stunned and so as the two Pegasus.

"You two know each other?" Luna and The Prince of Walstahydra asked at the same time.

But they didnt hear that for a loud roar came from the sky then---

*vroom boom tug*

"What just happened here?" A woman with red hair and purple eyes asked. She was wearing a long skirt that is fitted to the waist but the foot length of the skirt is a blow out. The top is a high collar with ruffles and long sleeves with golden embroidery. The shoe was black pointed heels.

In her back was a Dragon with purple snake skin.

"Attack by the Elostos , Proffesor Margh" The Prince of Walstahydra said.

"Do you four have injuries , anything at all" A woman with brown hair and azure winter eyes just like Saturn's. She was wearing a blue fitted skirt and yellow ruffled top. The shoes are yellow flat.

"No worries, Proffesor Halary." Luna said

"Ok then. Miss Saturn Sunesitirelia and Zen Croculus ride at the same pegasus. And since Prince Milo doesnt know how to drive you and Princess Luna will share the same Pegasus." Proffesor Halary said "And you mister driver please use this to go back to the castle"

Sarah Halary throw a carpet to the driver who was totally injured. And it is not anykind of carpet it is a Magic Carpet.

The driver use it and goes back to the Sunesitirelia Castle.

"We shall see you at Magic Academy." Professor Margh said.

And they ride their dragons and goes away.

"Zaney?!" Saturn said

"Satrey!?" Zen said

"You look good after this years." Saturn said. Checking the strands of his shoulder length hair "And the hair, it totally fits you bro." She added.

"We should get going" he coldly said

Luna come near Saturn.

"He become cold since he break up with his Grade 3 to 6 girlfriend, Maghi" (Pronoun : Mehi) Luna said.

"Ahh, Maghi , how is she?" Saturn asked Luna. They know each other of course.

"She have make out with Mardon and boom" Luna said

"Oh.. Mardon." She said.

"Come" Zen interuppted.

She sat at the back and hug her arms around Zen's waist.

Then the pegasus fly.
She gulped.

"You are still scared of flying after this years" Zen said. Still not lòoking.

"Weĺl heck yeah. What happened with you and Maghi?" Saturn asked "Not yet break"

"We are good until Mardon breaks it." Zen said

"Oh , Zen , we should focused to our studies first before you have it again" she said

Zen just shrugged.

Luna's peg is behind them of course she is with Milo.

Luna looks really irritated for Milo is kept on talking about the subjects. If there is one thing in common of the twins it is, hated studying,

"Stop being FC alright?" Luna said.

"KFC ?"Milo asked

"That is human food"

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