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You had a pretty normal life before you started to notice this weird mark on your left arm. It is still a complete mystery as to how and why it appeared on your body. All you did know is that you hated it with a burning passion and that you wished it never appeared on your body in the first place.

It appeared on the night before you turned eighteen. You had invited your friends for a party at your house and you were getting yourself ready. You walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror with the intention to fix your hair. You brought your hand to your hair to do just that when your eyes fell upon this weird and strange mark. You simply thought you had cut yourself and shrugged it off. It looked like a normal, small cut at that time.

When the doorbell rang, you went to open it and invited your friends in with a big smile. You made sure that there was a lot of food, snacks and drinks around for everyone to enjoy as your friends immediately walked to the table to grab some beers.

Your parents had left town for a few weeks to take care of business: they never told you what it was that they had to do but you figured it must be really important and you didn't feel like bugging them with your questions. You were happy that they had given you permission to throw this party because they didn't want you to feel alone on your birthday.

However, as the night progressed and it got closer to midnight, you started to feel a shift in your behavior. Your feeling of happiness disappeared completely: instead you felt scared and insecure. You started to doubt that your friends actually cared about you. You shied away from them as you noticed a dark glint in their eyes as you felt them staring at you.

You felt like a piece of meat, being stared down like that. At first, you started to blame their behavior on the alcohol. But somehow it didn't feel right.

You were standing by yourself now, watching the clock. Only twenty more seconds until you were officially eighteen and thus an adult. You started to count the last ten seconds inside your head, hoping that all these strange feelings would disappear when midnight struck.

Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One...

Whatever happened right after that, you're unable to tell. All you remember are these flashes of memory – of chaos – as your friends started to act like animals the second it got midnight and they attacked you. You didn't know how you escaped them because they are known to be quite fast and strong but you somehow managed to pull it off. Your shirt did get torn in the process though. You glanced at your left arm only to see that the cut changed its form: now it looked like the letter 'S', which was so red that it looked as though someone took out a knife and carved it into your skin.

Now you were walking down the scary part of town in the middle of the night, wearing a torn shirt. You were red in the face and you had trouble to keep yourself calm. You could feel the tears forming in your eyes and your heartbeat was going like crazy. You didn't know what to do. Why did your friends acted like that? Did you somehow made them angry without knowing you did so? Did you insult them? You had never witnessed them like that and it scared you to death. Were they drunk?

Your phone was still at home so you had literally no means to call your parents or anyone at all. You turned a street corner and took a few steps forward until a dark figure emerged from the shadows, blocking your path. He took a step forward which made the golden glow of the streetlight illuminate him. The dark figure was a tall, buff man and he had tattoos all over his bare arm.

"Look what we have here," he said, smiling at you. "Are you lost, kid?"

You shook your head like your life depended on it. You did not trust this man at all. He gave off a weird vibe and it gave you the chills. You didn't miss how he occasionally inspected you from head to toe.

When you noticed the same dark glint in his eyes like your friends had earlier that night, you turned around quickly to get away from him, only to see that you couldn't escape as there were three other people were standing there. They were all tall and muscled as well but they had no tattoos, like the other man. What they did have in common was the creepy smile that was plastered on their faces.

You unintentionally set a step backwards only to walk into the man that was standing behind you. You could feel his arms on his shoulders, pressing hard into you.

"It's polite to give someone an answer if they asked you a question, kid," the man said, before he repeated himself. "I said, are you lost, kid?"

The three other men slowly walked up to you while you were being held. You could feel your breath hitch and you started to shake. "N-no, I-I'm not l-lost," you stuttered, scared out of your mind.

"I think that's a lie," the man said. You jumped because you felt his breath on your ear. You realized he has bend over a little and that his head is now right next to yours. You could feel his hands move from your shoulders to your neck and you started to shake even more. His hands were cold.

You were too scared that you lost the ability to speak. One of the three men was standing right in front of you while the two others were standing further away. He painfully grabbed your arm and you whimpered.

"Boss, look at his mark!" the man yelled and moved his hand out of the way so everyone could see the red 'S' on your left arm. It was quiet for a few seconds as they took it all in before the man that held you started to laugh maniacally before tightening his grip on you.

The three men in front of you had predatory smiles on their faces as they licked their lips. "So that's the reason we're drawn to you, eh? I should've known. You're coming with us, kid," he breathed out. He licked the shell of your ear. "We're going to have so much fun together. Aren't we, boys?"

Hearing their shouts of agreement, something snapped inside you. Your instinct told you to get away from these men now! You started to struggle to get out of the man's grasp. You were scared out of your mind, you didn't know what was happening to you. You were so confused why these people felt drawn to you. They said it was because of that weird mark on your arm – is that the reason your friends acted the way they did as well?

"Stop struggling, kid. You're making it worse for yourself!" The man barked out while he tightened his grip on you even more. His hands closed around your neck, cutting of your air supply, while his friends grabbed you by your arms and feet and lifted you in the air.

"N-no!" You tried to scream but your voice was too hoarse. You could feel the tears rolling down your face as you felt yourself starting to black out. "H-help! Please! S-someone!"

The men laughed while they started gripping you rougher and rougher. They seemed to enjoy you trying to put up a fight but they made it clear that they are way more stronger than you. You started to fade in and out of conscious while you desperately hoped for someone to come and help you.

"Put him down, you assholes!" a different voice yelled out before the men released you from their grip. Your head collided with the ground which made you see black dots in your vision and it felt as if your head was about to explode. You heard shouting and grunting but you couldn't process what was being said or yelled. You just felt so tired, so tired, that you didn't even care if you live or die at this point. You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath.

You felt someone hover over you and put their hands in a loving, comforting manner on your face, tracing the red lines that had formed on your neck due to that man trying to choke you a few seconds ago. "Keep your eyes open! You're going to be okay but only if you can stay with us," your savior said who had lifted you off the ground and held you in their arms.

They gave off an entirely different aura than the men who attacked you. Instead of being scared, you felt calm and safe. You are clinging to him with the strength you have left and the corner of your mouth lifted up to form a small smile.

"T-thank y-you," you breathed out.

Knowing you were in safe hands now, you let the darkness claim you and fainted.

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