Chapter 3

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You didn't expect to get hugged by all four of them. You felt yourself starting to blush, squirming a little in their hold. You could smell Luke's – or was it Michael's? – perfume. You sighed drowsily when you felt someone's hand slowly move down your back, giving you shivers all over your body. You figured it was Calum because he started giggling at the sounds you made because of it. Ashton buried his face in your neck, took in your scent before he rubbed his face against your cheeks as if he was a cat that needed his owner's attention.

You ignored the tingling sensation in the mark on your left arm and surrendered yourself to a feeling that you have never felt before: love. They didn't even need to say they loved you because you could feel it through their actions and the way that they looked at you, licking their lips, giving you meaningful looks when they think you weren't looking.

The atmosphere in the room slowly started to change. It felt to you as if it had gotten pure static and electric but you were not threatened by it at all. It comforted you somehow. Ashton pulled back with a grin on his face, the dimples in his cheeks showing. You got your hand out of Luke's grip – which took you a few minutes because he refused to let go – while Ashton kept looking at you with a mischievous look in his eyes. You brought your hand to your face, touched your cheeks, only to feel wetness on there.

You blinked in surprise. "Did you – did you just lick me, Ashton?"

Ashton didn't respond to your question, instead he moved his face towards yours instead. He didn't succeed this time because he got pulled back gently by Michael, who looked at him with a frown. "Ashton, tone it down. You remember what we talked about earlier, don't you?"

In all the commotion, you didn't notice that Luke had grabbed your hand again and was holding it tightly in his. You looked at Michael for a few seconds before you looked back at Ashton, seeing him nod his head in response, before letting you go completely. Calum rubbed your back a few times before he and Michael let go as well, making it able for you to breathe better again as you felt that you were about to suffocate. Being hugged by, apparently, your four Dominants has made your body feel hot. Thankfully not to the point that you were sweating.

You wondered what they'd talked about that they are not willing to share with you. You didn't like it when people kept secrets from you but you decided not to make a fuss about it, these people did save you after all. Maybe it's not that important of a secret anyway.

You still didn't know what to think of it all. You got a mark on your eighteenth birthday that's apparently linked to these four people who claim to be your Dominants. They saved you from the creepy guys in the ally and brought you to a home in which they also told you about the fact that your mark is a vessel to their power. What did they expect of you? Do you need to be near them all the time? If they use their powers, will it make you feel weak? There's still a lot of unanswered questions and it's making your head hurt.

Luke's cough pulled out of your thoughts. You felt yourself looking at Calum who had a worried expression on his face.

"Are you feeling alright, (Y/N?)" Calum asked softly.

You gave a small smile and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just..."

You stopped mid-sentence because you didn't know what to say. You still felt utterly confused and lost. You still don't know if this is all real or not – if this is just some weird dream, that you're lying in your bed in your own home right now and that you'll open your eyes any second. The thought that these boys are an evaluated version of mankind still strikes you as odd. They even told you that you were one as well.

"I think (Y/N) still has a lot of questions," Michael said, pulling you out of your thoughts once again. "Don't you?"

You felt yourself nod. You hoped that they'd help you understand... whatever this is more.

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