Chapter 6

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WARNING: Sexual themes.

You were currently standing in one of the changing rooms that you had locked from the inside to prevent Luke, Calum, Ashton and Michael from coming in. They all thought it would be super fun, and comfortable, to join you when you would put your swimming shorts on.

"Ah, come on!" You heard Calum whine from outside your changing room. He didn't like the fact that you refused to let him and the others join you while you got yourself ready to swim. "(Y/N), please!" He begged again.

"I won't let you - or anyone else - in, Calum!" You yelled back at him. "I can barely move around as it is already because it's just too small! By letting you four enter, I would make it impossible for myself to change or move for that matter!"

"That problem can be solved," Luke said. You could hear the smile in his voice. "If you only allow me to enter, then you'll still have enough space to move around freely with me to keep you company as an added bonus!"

"You call that a bonus?" Calum murmured under his breath.

"I heard that, Calum!" Luke yelled, insulted, before saying something back immediately. "I will let you know that this body is irresistible. If you don't believe me, ask (Y/N). He couldn't get enough of it that night."

You rolled your eyes. Luke always talked about the events of that night. You always felt flustered and shy whenever he did that but now you've gotten quite comfortable with the fact that you had some... intimate interactions with him. It didn't even make you blush anymore which you couldn't be happier about because they always teased you whenever your face got decorated with one.

Even though Calum, Ashton and Michael were jealous at Luke for getting touched by you in that way, they still respected your wishes and didn't force themselves upon you as the mark would give them a signal about your current state of emotion. It didn't stop them from having hormones, however, as it still was hard for them to not compliment you, touch you in some way and make very sexual remarks - telling you in vivid detail what they planned to do to you once you are ready and you would feel so, so good.

Shaking your head to get your mind out of the gutter, you listened, ignoring the bickering between Luke and Calum. Michael and Ashton were uncharacteristically quiet as you haven't heard them for two entire minutes now, which made you grow worried. You never knew what to expect with those two!

You took your shirt off and quickly pulled your pants and underwear down, slowly stepping out of it. You intended to change into your swimming shorts quickly as you stepped into your swimming short, bending slightly forward to be able to get a better hold of it. It was then when you heard a giggle and a whistle from behind you.

You let out a surprised scream as you pulled your short up harshly, turning around to see Ashton and Michael peeking up at you from under the changing room, as they had made use of the not closed off area below and pushed their heads right through it.

"Jesus!" You stared at them with a shocked expression on your face, holding your hand to your chest, trying to get your breathe under control. Ashton stared at you with his dimpled smile, Michael simply smirked.

"What are you two doing down there?" You screamed at them with an angry frown on your face. You could hear your voice crack as you stared down at them, waiting for an explanation while at the same time ignoring Luke and Calum who heard all the commotion and started running around the changing room, trying to get to Michael and Calum who were at the other side.

"Don't mind us," Michael replied in smug tone. "We are just admiring the view."

"Why don't you admire my foot on your face instead -" Michael raised his eyebrows at you, trying to look unimpressed. Ashton decided to interrupt you in the middle of your threat.

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