Chapter 8 The Roller Rink

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Come on Rae Rae we can't be late! I yelled from downstairs we were going on a double date with my boo thang Michael and her boo Dante. After the Spring dance a week ago we decided to meet up again.

I'm comin! Rachel yelled coming down the stairs. Girl you look cute!!

Thanks boo I replied (my outfit is in the media).

Well let's go I said.

Ok she sighed as she followed me to my car.

As a kid I struggled to skate. The more I got older the more I caught the hang of it. Now I could skate backwards with my boo. So tonight we decided our date should be at the rink

My phone started to buzz in my purse so I pulled it out looked at the caller ID smiled and answered the phone.

Hey babe!

Hey Chelly how are you.

I'm good mikey you guys already at the rink? I asked.

Yea we waiting on y'all we already pay for entrance and we all have our own skates so we all good so call me when you at the door so we can come and tell the people we already paid for y'all Michael said.

Ok we 5 minutes away see you there.

Ok bye bae

Bye Michael.

Girl you and this bae babe Shit is about to kill me like for real for real Rachel said laughing.

Girl you and you man bout to be calling each other that to so stop fronting I replied laughing.

Whatever she sighed.

Finally we here come on girl get out I said opening my door pulling out my phone to call Michael.

Hey bae we outside I said.

Ok here I come he replied.

I opened the door to the rink.

Hey bae over here! I yelled.

Hey! I said kissing him

Hey beautiful he replied kissing me back.

Hey there with me I already paid and have there skates Michael said and the workers in the back nodded their heads and we walked in the rink.

Nicki Minaj Did it on em blasted through the speakers of the roller rink as I put on my skates.

Once they were laced up Michael grabbed my hand and helped me up and we skated to the rink and got on the floor.

He grabbed my hand as we glided on the rink together it was so romantic.


Me and michael laced arms and skated across the floor together arm in arm.

The song Stay With Me blasted through the speakers.

After Stay With Me the familiar voice blasted through the speakers again along with Keri Hilson Pretty Girl Rock. EVERYONE BACK TO THE FLOOR the man yelled through the speakers.

Hey let's get off Michael yelled over the music.

Ok I replied.

You hungry he asked.

Yes! Let's go to the food area I smiled.

Ok he laughed and skating over to the cafeteria.

Hi how can I help you today the lady said behind the counter.

Hi can I get some nachos with a little hot peppers a sprite and an ice cream sundae I said confidently moving over to the side allowing Michael to order and pay.

A hot dog fries and a Dr pepper.

Ok your total sir is $13.62

Aight thanks ma he said showing that sexy smile and paying for the food I started shivering then and there.

Well how you been ma Michael asked.

I been doing good but I'll be doing even better if you say yes to this next question.

Anything for you ma he replied.

Well tomorrow my mom is cooking dinner and I was hoping you would come so we can tell my parents and your parents we are dating so you and your parents come to the dinner and I will tell my mom.

Ok is Rachel's parents coming? He asked

Most likely I said.

Ok he sighed.

We threw out our trash and got back in the rink skating for another hour or so until the skating rink closed so we put our shoes back on and exited the rink.

Well it was nice seeing you sexy Michael said as he licked those soft plump lips.

Anything for you bae tomorrow at 7:30 PM dinner no later got it?

Got it he said walking to his car after kissing me good bye.

Come on girl my feet hurt and I'm tired let's go Rachel said.

I agreed so we walked off to the car pulled off and went home.

Sorry for mistakes

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