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⚫️ Peter Pan ⚫️

"I've had enough, I need a break, and by a break I mean a long break Felix"

I've been living in Neverland for over 256 years to be exact I think. It's my home, where I grew up, had tough memories, and fun loving memories. I know every part of the island, and I literally mean everything.

It's time to make a change, I'm going to earth but tell me where I don't know, I'm just going to fly somewhere. I wish I knew everything about the earth life in like their life, cause trust me I don't know anything what there living. Sick I've been living in this beautiful land for a long time.

"Are your sure Pan?"

I thought about it.. I am. I really do. "Yes Felix I'm leaving early in the morning, you take care of the lost boys while I'm gone, don't let anything bad happen or tell me right away" as I toss him a shell, a magic one you may ask.  "Oh and Felix, I may not know how long I'll be there too......" He looks at me then nods then walks to the big bonfire where the other boys are at.

I go back to my tree house hut,(picture to the side of what the treehouses look like)mines the biggest of them all, then Felix's is like the medium treehut.

If have to say these took a long time, but we need to make new ones there falling apart a bit. But I can use my magic to fix them all can't I? Of coarse I can but I'll do that another day.

I go to my big comfy bed and lay down.
Thinking about what I'm going to do tomorrow. I really do want to, taking a break would be much appreciated, cause really working is hard, working 24/7 is tough. I mean don't we all need a huge big break in our lives some point? Well that's happening in I don't know how long hours. I'm going to go somewhere I don't know.

I can't just randomly be a a person to that world. I'm not a person. I'm a villain I bloody demon that's what they call me.  But to me I'm just a handsome bloody demon.

I'm trying to change, I really am. Well I change in their world that they live in?
I'll just find out in the next couple weeks I spend there then.



"Pan wake up" seriously who's waking me up? I need my rest for tomorrow!

"Ugh go away" I say groggily.because Felix just woke me up from me peaceful sleep How rude. Call me a girl I don't care if I sound like a girl whatever because I don't care.

"Pan, the boys are hungry there  like frigging animals! Dude Pan you should really see them before they ruin everything!" Felix says petrified. Ugh I guess I have to cook something! Wait...

"Felix.... They do know they can think of food and it can appear right in their hands right!"

He looks at me wide eyed.
"Omg Pan! I'm sorry! I'll tell them that but okay then goodnight, I'll be up early in the morning with the lostboys" he says to me then goes outside.

Well since I'm already fully awake now! Thanks a lot Felix.

I should probably eat something I haven't eaten since breakfast and that was like what 14 hours ago?? You know I don't know because time stands still here and yeah.

I think of Pizza, well any kind of Pizza.


Well looks like I have the meatlovers Pizza again! It's good anyways.

I eat my wonderfully delicious Pizza then head outside to see that all the lostboys are in their hut but only Felix is outside watching the fire.

I poof  down beside Felix and have a talk.

"So Felix.. What's up lately you've been going places I don't even know where on this island" it's true he has.

"Sorry Pan, I just need time, I like to go to the waterfall to think that's all" he says, and I know he's telling the truth, I can tell if a person is lying are not, and I have the ability to hear well as well.

"It's okay, thinking about what?"

"It's just there's a girl, I seen her by the falls the other day, I talked to her for a while her names Wendy. But then after and hour or so or more she diapered like she was ghost, like I literally mean it, she disappeared in front of me like poof she was there then she was gone!" He says now looking at me.

Well I sure know about this Wendy girl, but Felix doesn't. She's a ghost, and I mean it I killed her and her brothers. Yeah call me a bloody demon, call me whatever you want, I didn't mean too. I tried to save them but I couldn't, Regina she killed them all. I truly did love Wendy I took her to every inch of this island. She was my life until she died with her brothers. Was 47 years ago when that happened.

I took revenge I took her adopted son, and took his heart, but don't worry he has a new heart. I have feelings you know. I guess once you truly know me I'm actually quit nice, but if I have enemies, let's just say I act like a demon you know. I did it for a lot of reasons, to have infinity life, never die, have special abilities, and can't feel pain. Well I never felt pain anyways.

He's now a lost boy and injoys it actually. And his family can never enter Neverland without my permission, not a magic trick would allow them or Rumples Magic. I am to powerful then them even my own son Rumple.
I hid Wendy from Felix and the lostboys, I was protective I didn't want them to see her. Or them me being around a girl. I guess i was jealous. She was mine my only mine until she died, now roaming Neverland.

"Yes Felix, I never ever told you this or the lostboys, about 47 years ago she died, she was my girlfriend, Regina killed her and her 2 brothers I tried to save them but I couldn't" I say stuttering some parts, don't cry I know you won't shut up and act like a grown boy. Stupid Peter.

"Oh my gosh Pan!I'm so sorry!"

"You know it's fine it's in the past, she's not mine anymore anyways, goodnight I'm going to bed I need to get ready for early next morning anyways" I say then, before he could talk anymore I poofed back up to my hut.


Hey guys! It's me Callie if you didn't know... Lol

I hope you like my first chapter, I'm not that good a writing books and stuff, lol

But I hoped u liked this, and hope you'll read my book through out the weeks! :)

Anyways school is starting on Tuesday the 8th and its Monday! I have school tomorrow! I just realized.

Anyways lol I don't know when I'll be posting, maybe every couple days!

I hope pull read my book.



(Not edited)

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